Green With Envy💚Sherlock X Reader

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Prompt - Molly tries to flirt with Sherlock, your boyfriend, with you in the room. Sherlock doesn't seem to notice, which irks you. He does notice your jealousy, however, and finds it amusing.

Warnings- Cursing


    You trail behind Sherlock and John as they make their way to the morgue. Sherlock, leading the three of you, opens the doors to the morgue. Almost immediately, Molly's chirping fills your ears. You sigh, rolling your eyes.

    If only Sherlock wasn't so insistent on keeping your relationship a secret. He claims it to be for 'safety'. You're sure that Mycroft doesn't even know about your relationship. You're sure as hell John doesn't.

    You sigh, entering the morgue with a fake smile plastered on your face. Molly greets you as you enter, filling you in on what's gone on while you took an extra minute before entering.

    You nod, taking in the important information only, and leaving out the unnecessary details, then storing it in your "hard drive" as Sherlock calls it. Then, you turn to Sherlock, whom is currently observing a cadaver. John stands behind him, awaiting his turn with the body.

    Molly saunters over to them and spouts off nonsense about the cadaver, morgue jokes, and offers coffee to Sherlock and John. You don't pay much attention, until Molly starts blushing as soon as Sherlock looks at her.

    "Black, two sugars," is Sherlock's reply. John shakes his head 'no' on coffee. Molly turns to you- you are leaned against a table, arms crossed, and jaw set defiantly- expectantly. "Loads of sugar and cream, please," you say, sounding more sarcastic than you would've liked. She nods, swallowing thickly, a thin smile quirking on her lips. "I'll be back in a jiff," she says.

    John and Sherlock turn to you after Molly leaves. John is concerned and Sherlock in amused. Sherlock quirks a smile at your jealousy. John, not understanding your relationship with Sherlock, questions you.

    "What's wrong, Y/N? I thought you and Molly were 'girlfriends' as you put it." You huff. "We are friends, I'm simply being a bitch," you say nonchalantly, looking at your nails- which have suddenly piqued your interest. John nods, looking down, then looking back up.

    Sherlock smirks, turning back to the cadaver. "She's green with envy," he says, lifting the white sheet over the cadaver. John scrunches up his brows. "Why?" John- oblivious to your eye roll and Sherlock's smirk- asks.

    "Because she is getting coffee, trying to be nice, blushing, and joking around to get the attention of my boyfriend," you say. John's eyes widen in realisation. "You and Sherlock are-" "Yes! We are currently in a relationship," you say, exasperatedly.

    Molly appears in the window of the double doors to the morgue. You groan as John opens it for her. Molly hands you a coffee so creamed and sugared it's white, then gives Sherlock his black with two sugars. You mutter a 'thanks' in her direction. John watches Molly and your reactions to her.

    She sidles up next to Sherlock, and timidly clears her throat. She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, before speaking in a voice so softly, you can barely hear her. Sherlock raises an eyebrow.

    "Repeat that. I can't hear a word you say, your so quiet," he says, motioning for John to take a look at the cadaver. Ever so softly, but audibly, Molly asks if Sherlock has any plans for this evening. That tops the cake.

    All you can see is red as you stomp out of the morgue. You strut out of the building, to the curb and growl so low, the people around you brisk away in fear. You call a cab and give the cabbie an address.


    Sherlock sighs, ignoring Molly and John. He walks out of the building, looking for you. He spots a cab accelerating away.

    Sherlock stops, thinking of all the places you could be going. Not Baker Street; that's not your preferred place to vent frustration. Not Scotland Yard; they would be stupid enough to think that you have solved the case, and Donovan would only insult you. You wouldn't go to your brother's house; he's Sherlock's enemy. Where would you go?

    Sherlock gasps in realisation. You would go to Hyde Park. You like the going there to vent anger. He quickly calls for a cab. The cabbie pulls up, Sherlock gets in, and Sherlock instructs the cabbie to stop at Hyde Park. The cabbie does so.

    He tells the cabbie to wait- as he will return shortly- and slinks off to find you. Sherlock walks down a path, knowing he'll find you in your favourite spot. He cuts across a green lawn and spots you under a tree, staring at the ground, with a scowl etched in your features.

    Sherlock smiles slightly. You're exactly where he knew you would be. He speeds up, practically sprinting. He stops abruptly, and brings his towering figure onto the bench, right beside you. You sigh and scoot closer to him. Sherlock hesitantly puts an arm around you.

    "I believe that you have no reason to be envious. All of these strange feelings that I have are reserved for you and no other," Sherlock says. You lean into him, feeling him tense up, and slowly relax. "I know. It just really irks me when she flirts with you and you just act like it's not happening. That makes her try for your eye even more," you say, finally looking at Sherlock.

    Sherlock has a rare, sympathetic look in his eyes. "I'm sorry that I found it funny that you were jealous and for making her flirt even more," Sherlock says. You smile. "Apology accepted. Let's go," you say, after pecking his cheek.

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