Christmas Decorating🎄Greg X Reader

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"Deck the halls with boughs of holly falalalalalalalala!" You sing as you hang ornaments on the tree. You place a round, sparkly red one on a bough right in your line of sight.
"There! Now for the tinsel and garland, " you say, immediately beginning to hum Deck the Halls once again. You walk over to your couch, where there's a box of tinsel, and you pull out some silver tinsel. You walk back to the tree and add the tinsel onto the boughs that you can reach.
"That's lovely, (Y/N)," Greg, your husband, says as he wraps his arms around your waist. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck.
"Thanks, dear. Do you mind lifting me up so I can reach the top?" you ask. Greg lifts you up carefully, and you put tinsel on the upper boughs of the tree.
"Thank you, dear. Now, can you add the garland while I find the star?" Greg nods and lets you go, while you dig around in boxes for the star. You reach into a box, and feel a sharp object slice your hand open.
"Uh, Greg? I think I found the star. It's broken and it just sliced my hand open," you say, holding your bloody hand up so he could see. Concern fills Greg's chocolate eyes.
"Okay, uh, just let me find some alcohol and a plaster," he says, moving past you, into the bathroom. He finally comes back, plaster and alcohol in hand, and fixes your hand.
"Greg, now we have to buy another star," you say, checking your hand out. Greg gives a quick kiss to your temple, then grabs his coat.
"I'll be back in forty minutes tops. Take a break. Be safe. Love you," Greg says. He heads out the door of your flat, then makes his way down the street.
You patiently await Greg's arrival. You sit on the couch, studying your hand. It will need stitches, but you don't want to go to the clinic. Blood is soaking through the plaster, so you watch the ruby red liquid seeping through. Eventually, you replace the plaster, noting how fast it takes before blood soaks the plaster again.
Minutes tick by before you hear the handle of the door moving. The door opens, and Greg has arrived with John Watson and a star for the tree.
John immediately take note of the plaster on your hand, soaked with a red liquid. He takes the plaster off and stitches the cut. John puts a clean plaster on it, then smiles at his handiwork.
"If it isn't looking better in a few days, come and get me so I can have a look at it," he says, before waving bye and leaving.
"Love, I got a new star for the tree. It lights up and spins around. I thought it might cheer you up," Greg says, sitting next to you. He wraps his arms around you as if you're about to leave him.
"That's sweet, dear. Thank you for being such an amazing husband," you say, snuggling into him. He kisses your head.
"I know what would make you een more amazing, though," you say suggestively, pulling from his embrace, and giving him 'the look'. Greg smiles widely chuckles.
"Alright, love. You get into that bedroom right now,"Greg says. You smile giddily and spring up from the couch, running into the bedroom, with Greg in pursuit.

OMG! it seems like I've been away forever. I am terribly sorry that I've kept you for so long. My mum took my device away once again , but for something I didn't do.

Anyway, I hope you can forgive me.
Love you all dearly,

Ps- check out my other account. Jujubug_42304

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