Suit and Tie👔Mycroft X Reader

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"Where is my navy tie with white umbrellas on it?" Mycroft asks, searching his drawers. "In the top drawer; third tie from the left," you say. He opens the top drawer, and pulls out his navy tie with white umbrellas. He fixes the tie around his neck, and looks into the mirror.

"Dearest, does the colour combination of this tie correlate with the colour combination of my suit?" Mycroft asks. You walk into the room and look him over. "Yes, darling. It makes you look sophisticated," you say, pecking him on the cheek.

"Are you sure, (Y/N)? We're going to meet esteemed men in Parliament, and I would not like to be under dressed or not sophisticated enough," he says. You sigh. "Mycroft, darling, all will be well. You need not worry. I will be there the entire time," you assure him.

He smiles. "How did I ever survive without you?" He asks. You smile back. "Darling, you didn't survive without me," you say cheekily. Mycroft lowers his head, and chuckles.

"Are you ready, darling?" You ask. "Of course, dearest," Mycroft says, grabbing his umbrella. "You look dashing in that suit, darling," you say. He smiles slightly. "(Y/N), you are ravishing," he says. "Why thank you, Mr. Holmes. Now, let's go before that sophisticated suit and tie get ripped off," you say. Mycroft chuckles. "Yes, dear."


I feel as if I'm writing Mycroft so out of character, but I guess if he had a woman (or man) he would chuckle, smile, blush, and be embarrassed more often.

Anyways, sorry if the wait was so long. I'm currently writing a part to my Thranduil imagines book, and I've edited and revised it about 50 times, and it still sounds so bad.

Also, I do requests,  so don't forget that.

Oh, while it's on my brain, I won't publish much this week. I've been so busy with school, fieldtrips, registering for classes, and revival at church, that I'm home just long enough to shower, eat, do homework, and sleep. Hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday, I can start to write and publish more.

Oh, also, should we have a name? Like a special name for those of you who take the time to actually read my stories. If so, please let me know. Also, give me suggestions for a name.

Anyways, I think that's everything.

Love you all,

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