Odd Behaviour- Sherlock X Reader

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"Hi, Sherlock. Do you- um- need something?" Molly, your friend and work partner, asks the dark-haired detective in the doorway. "Molly, I don't need anything. I must see the body," Sherlock says, annoyed. "Oh, right. Well, it's over there," Molly says, moving a lock of hair behind her ear.

Sherlock rolls his eyes, then finally notices you in the corner of the room, holding a file. "Is that the file, (Y/N)?" Sherlock asks. You jump and toss the file into the air. Papers fly everywhere.  "Yeah, don't startle me. I have a headache," you say, picking up the file and papers.

Sherlock gives you a sympathetic look, then helps you pick up the papers. John moves over to the spot where the papers have been scattered, and helps as well. You finally stand up, arranging the papers and neatly placing them back in the file, before handing it to Sherlock.

His fingers brush against yours, causing your cheeks to heat up. You clear your throat nervously. "I'll be back. I need some air," you say, before going ot the door.

You stand outside and take deep breaths. You rub your temples to alleviate the pounding pain pulsing throughout your head. The pain only gets worse, causing your breathing to become faster and sharp. You squeeze your eyes shut, but only find the pain still getting worse.

The next thing you know, a warm hand is placed over your forehead. "You are burning up, (Y/N). Go home and rest." You nod your head and open your eyes, only to find Sherlock's beautiful baby blues watching you worriedly.

When he sees the pain in your eyes, he takes your wrist and drags you with him to your flat.

He orders you to lie down on your sofa. "(Y/N), take these pills and swallow this," Sherlock says, handing you pills and tea. You obey, and lie back down. "Thanks for playing nurse," you say, smiling. "Anything for you, (Y/N)," Sherlock responds, taking your hand and lightly kissing it.

John's jaw drops as he takes in the scene before him. "Um... I'll just... go." John awkwardly walks out, dumbfounded by Sherlock's behaviour.

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