Part 23

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After y/n defeat Zhang fei and took him as his prisoner and y/n even captured all Zhang fei army total of 325,261 Shu troops as his prisoner, now Liu Bei is heading north west to come get Zhang fei and his army from y/n, it was 2 miles away from his side and y/n was waiting for him to come get his brother back.

A minute of later Liu Bei made it to y/n base camp and saw all the Shu army was in one of each wooden cages and all of them just look at their lord passing by and two y/n General came to him them offer him to come inside their lord tent that y/n was waiting for him, so he follow them.


Well the battle was great and easy.... will i can't believe Zhang fei will attack me and my army but that wasn't good idea to turn against me. Because I their greatest allies if Zhang fei stop trying to escape.

 Zhang fei whole body was tied up and both of his leg too from him standing up. Y/n then heard his generals and say that the other two general have brought Liu Bei here then y/n tell him to invite him inside the tent, he and him will have a talk about Zhang fei behavior.

Liu Bei: Y/n?

Y/N: Liu Bei.

Liu Bei: Y/n I'm so sorry what happens! please forgive me and my brother Zhang fei! What have he done I should've know his temper against you.

Y/N: It alright... I know what you came here for. You can take him back and oh I already forgive him but I kinda need to tied him up so he won't escape from me so yeah.... I will tell my men to bring him in.

Y/n turn and tell the two guard to go bring Zhang fei and 5 minutes later they brought him in but there was 10 guard was dragging him inside the tent and 20 rifleman followed had their rifle pointing at him also to make sure he doesn't attack them then y/n tell them to release him, so they released him and the rifleman pointed their gun at him again so Liu Bei bowed to y/n and Zhang fei follow Liu Bei out of the tent and left y/n base camp that when Zhuge Liang saw them came out of the camp and they all left together heading back to their city.

Y/N: Cheng Lee?

Cheng Lee: Yes my Lord?

Y/N: I leaving you to defend our borderline I leave you 635,559 army to defend and I taking 32,000 cavalryman with me and heading back to our city because Yue Fei say he just built new warship so we can battle our enemy in the sea and it armed with the Cannon so we can destroyed their warship.

Cheng Lee: I will defend this Places my Lord - he bowed -

Y/n nod and left the base camp and heading back to his kingdom with 32,000 cavalryman following behind him. Y/n and his Cavalry start to ride off to heading back to the kingdom.

Wu and Shu was not getting along so well. Because Zhang fei try to kill Y/n but fail to do so and now Cao Cao send 300,000 forces to invade y/n kingdom but y/n have a lot stronghold to block any enemy try to invade his kingdom. There was 3 stronghold was blocking wei from entering so they all divide three force of 100,000 each so they all go different path.

Night time

Wei General: Everyone listen up we charging forward toward the stronghold maybe they won't notice what it hit them, I will lead 60,000 attack first and the rest of you stay behind and wait for the signals!

Wei force charge forward to the stronghold but it was empty this confused them so the wei General was laughing and can't believe the stronghold was empty .

Wei General: Well well well, look like they left it open for us all, signal the other force!

Wei soldier: Yes sir!

They light up the arrow on fire then the archer loose the fire arrow up the sky and the rest of the forces came.

Wei General: Men let go inside! And forward to their kingdom take thing, their grain, money, woman's and burn their village to the ground, Hahahahaha!

Wei Army: Yeah!/ let do it!/ this to easy!

Wei General: Charge!

All them charge inside the stronghold but they didn't know it was a trap all along. All the wei army got inside Then suddenly gate close behind them and they all turn to face then saw l/n soldier was hiding behind the wall and they aim their gun at the wei army and heard another voice and some more L/n soldier light up the torch and line up their gun and a L/n general came behind them.

L/n General: I so happy, ya fall for it into my trap, so dismount your horse and surrender to us right now if you want to live!

Wei General: Attack!

All the wei army charge but only meet the L/n soldier gun fire and they Fire at the wei army and the wei force was shot and killed a lot of them try to break the gate down but there was another L/n force blocking from outside and holding on the gate tightly, wei force was completely destroyed and the other company was destroyed as well, Cao Cao didn't know what happens to his army so he just waiting for news but none came from them.

Cao Cao: Cao Ren... is there any news from our men yet?

Cao Ren: Not yet brother.... there no news from them yet.

Wei Scouted: Report! Report! Report! My lord Y/n army have completely destroyed all our three army! They was ready for them all along!

Cao Cao sigh it was a completely defeated for his army and dismissed all his officers and even his advisors, he went to clear his mind off from losing to Y/n army.

To be continued 

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