Chapter 70: Elform

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Amphere Harrison

“Through Ragnarok, only one Deus shall remain sitting in the Throne of the End”

Clash and clank. Rainbow scimitar and photon saber collided endlessly in this passionate swordfight. Two knights with different ideals fight as if there is no tomorrow. One of them is a chivalrous plebeian who started from square one, yet he proved himself more than worthy to become a dragon knight. And the other one, who is me, is a fake hero who cooked himself a scene and killed a friend just to obtain glory.

“The souls of the wicked unleashed, weapons of civilizations collapse,”

After Cleru’s latest hack and thrust, I lost grip on my left sword, so it went flying and tumbling until it pierced the ground. Seeing this opportunity, the plebeian dragon knight made a mighty shout and prepared a hook slash. In the nick of time, I materialized Deus Ex Machina’s remaining arm once again, to block his sword. Several chunks of metal sprayed.

Breathen thou magic thy strength of radiance and darkness,”

Cleru’s attack never stopped there. He pointed his left hand to me and shouted “Fusion Flare!” A whirling white-and-red fireball surged to my direction, but I had the Deus Ex Machina ribs to protect me from harm. Cleru continued “Fusion Bolt!” This time, white-and yellow thunder ball heaved to me. I used the mechanical arm to gallop and evade the attack.

“Mystic force that eternally sings the song of fire and ice,”

For a plebeian knight, Cleru is extremely powerful! Being able to fuse elements and unleash a projectile based attack is really an outstanding feat! He even unleashed Fusion Freeze which is an ice ball and Fusion Quake which is an earth ball. I had a hard time evading his attacks because everytime it misses, it explodes; chipping away the power of my shield plate.

“Heavens shatter as the kings fall to their ultimate demise,”

 At this rate, he’ll defeat me before Airi stops chanting! I have to distract him somehow. I’ll just do my last resort! As I dashed several meters backward, I clapped my hands and shouted “Asgard Down!” Deus Ex Machina’s metallic body started flying upward and molded a deformed planet (since Deus Ex Machina is severely damaged) and then dropped to the enemy!

But Cleru didn’t hesitate to come forward. He raised his hand and pointed to the junk planet as he casted another spell! “Magma Frost!” Three balls which is fire, earth and ice emerged and twirled as it collided with my rotten planet Asgard. There was an explosion, and that particular attack completely annihilated my last line of attack.

“As the World Tree collapses!” Airi shouted to me once again. “Do it, Amphy! Totally!”

“DRACARYX!!! Activate Yggdrasil Fall!”

Nine planets which represent the worlds of Norse Mythology materialized around the flying scarlet dragonoid. It circled slowly on Airi, and then as she raised her hand, all the nine planets chased the opponent plebeian knight! The area of effect of each and every planet is so huge that there is no way he could evade that!

Deafening noise. Disruptive shockwaves. Zero visibility smoke. The explosion covers 95% of the arena, which means my shield plate went down too. Now it’s just 12%. This is why I’m scared of releasing our Dracaryx in an actual battle. It would kill everyone in the battlefield, including us.

Airi fell down from the skies but I caught her on time. She was already unconscious and sleeping with a smile on her face. I patted her silky red hair and praised her. “That’s my girl.”

It was really pain in the butt for the smoke to clear. It took about a minute, and then it revealed an unconscious body of Cleru Neos who is bathing with his own blood. There is still 1% left on his shield plate. Did he use Martyrdom of the Plebeian again? This guy is seriously suicidal.

Cleru is unconscious. That is why the only thing to do is to make a soft kick in order to make his shield plate depleted. I slowly walked, having each and every step I make echo around the arena. Everyone was silent. Even my fans club.  From the viewpoint of everyone, I am a villain who is enjoying his walk and about to make a killing blow to the enemy.

Among the audiences, the Princess is the one who is really scared. She cried with all heart and soul, with tearful eyes. “Cleru! Stand up! REMEMBER YOUR PROMISE TO ME!!!!”

I was a meter away and preparing for my goal kick but then there was a thunder that struck my enemy’s body! Flames emerged, whirled and danced around him as this zombie-looking peasant regained his strength and slowly stand up with his bloody limbs. This guy just escaped death, but he still has power to fight!

No, I’m mistaken. He’s more powerful than before. I can sense his aura giving off intense fear to everyone in the surroundings.

His appearance changed. There is this moonstone orb on his forehead, the same thing as Exceria’s. Cleru’s ears became elongated like those people who live in Alfheim. And his eyes are pure white, as if there are no pupils in there. His magical prowess gives off this elemental surge all over his body.

What the heck is this unfair power adjustment!?

“I…will…win…this…fight…” Cleru said slowly. “I…will…defeat…you…Amphere Harrison!”

Suddenly, he disappeared from my sight! I looked behind, left, and right, but he’s not there. I only sensed him when he casted another speed-cast spell!

“Fusion Burst!”

A white diamond-shaped flame with lightning stroked rocketed to me. My synapses are so slow that I have written out evasion as an option. I just blocked it with my remaining photon saber, but then the projectile exploded! Because of this, my photon sword melted in my hands and my shield plate dropped to 5%. Damn!

“Fusion Burst! Fusion Burst! Fusion Burst!”

Cleru repeatedly fired at me like a machine gun. This time, I was completely running like hell and managed to evade the projectiles and explosions. It was the fifteenth Fusion Burst when I rolled to the ground like an action star and finally reached my other photon saber that I dropped earlier.

A photon saber won’t do. Dynamos or Deus Ex Machina would help me in this situation, but I have already used them. I can’t use my Vesryn Pulse nor Overload Pulse since both dragonoids are down. All I have left is the reflexes of Eye of Deus!

“The boy wants to use his eyes again.” H.G.’s voice echoed in my head. “The Eye of Deus has the same power as that of Elform; the power that boy Cleru Neos uses.”

H.G. sure knows a lot, but that’s just a trivial matter!  My mind is focused on defeating this overpowered enemy in front of me!

I prepared a thrusting knight stance and let all my photon energy flow on my sword. The Elf-like enemy made a centered sword stance in return, and all elements whirled on his sword.

“Let’s finish this!” I shouted with all my might.

“I’ll fulfill my promise!” Cleru answered with a determined loud voice.

I bolted forward with the speed of light. Photon particles surrounded me which became my speed force and shielded me like a cocoon. On the other hand, Cleru is covered with rainbow elements as he rocketed towards my direction!

Our swords clashed for the very last time.

And this ended the tournament.

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