Question One

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Pete and Patrick:

They shared a glance. Each waiting for the other person to answer first. Pete lifted his thick brows. Tilting his head towards Patrick. Giving him permission to speak up. Patrick smiled down at his hands before looking into the camera.

"Four years?" He offers it as a question.

Pete nods. Smiling. "Yeah, four years."

Sarah and Meagan:

Sarah rolls her eyes. Annoyed by the simplicity of the question. Meagan mimics the eye roll. Annoyed by Sarah being annoyed and they'd barely even started the game. It was clear her ex wasn't going to answer. So she'd do it. Like she used to do everything else in the relationship. Alone.

"Seven month."

"It was eight months." Sarah corrected.

"No I'm pretty sure it was seven."

"I distinctly remember us getting together right before Valentine's Day."

"No." Meagan flipped her hair over her shoulder. Glancing at the camera instead of her ex. "We hooked up in February. You were still dating that Hayley girl without telling me." Her eyes landed on the glaring woman across from her. "We made it official in march."

A click of the tongue. "Whatever."

Brendon and Ryan:

"Six years." Brendon was answering the question before it was finished being asked.

Ryan shrugged. Nodding in agreement.

"I remember when you asked me out actually." Brendon continued when he saw Ryan wasn't going to verbally respond. "It was at Adam's birthday party. You gave me that stupid stuffed animal. I probably still have it in the house some where. Do you remember?"

"Yeah." He smirked. "It was tweety bird or something, right?"



Josh and Tyler:

"Eighteen months."

"Why can't you just say a year and a half like a normal person, you fucking nerd?" Tyler scoffed playfully.

Josh snorted. "It's the same thing."

"Nuh-uh." He shook his head. "You sound like one of those moms who can't accept that their baby isn't a baby anymore." He changed his voice in a squeaky, high tone. "Little Zachary is forty eight month old." He shook his head. "Like, your kid is four, lady."

Josh laughed harder. "I hate you."

I know this concept seems stupid. But I love the YouTube videos about this. And I was bored sitting around with nothing to do. So here you go. If you hate it; that's cool. If not; continue. (Also you can submit some questions to ask the couples if you want. I want it to be interactive 🙂)

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