Father Daughter Talk

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Severus stumbles into the room with a clumsy apparition. His left ankle was all bandaged and he had cuts all over. Sophie gets up and walks over to him. 

"Hi, Sophie," Severus says looking at Sophie.

"Hi." She says hugging him. "I'm glad you're okay." She pulls back smiling at him.


"Now." Sophie starts. "Tell me about my mother. I won't take no for an answer.

He sighs. "I have always known that I would have to tell you one day I just don't want to tell you right now." 

"I don't care if you don't want to tell me! I should know."

He sighs once again "Let's go sit." He motions toward a table that Lily and Ginny are sitting at. They both make their way over there. "Okay, your mother...... When she was little she was the nicest person imaginable. She helped out whenever she could. Our families were very close so I would hang out with her all the time." He hesitates "Then we started going to Hogwarts and she started hanging out with a boy named Tom Riddle."

"Voldemort," Sophie whispers.

"Yes. He corrupted her mind. Took over her mind. Made her crazy. No of us could help. She couldn't even help it. Riddle had started with a small group of followers which consisted of Bellatrix, your mother, Lucius, Peter Pettigrew, some others, and....." He hesitates again "And me."

"WHAT!" Sophie shouts.

"Well at first I was a real death eater then later on Albus Dumbledore trusted me to the order and I was a Spy for him. So back to your mother. She went insane killed tons of people. In the end, they captured her and put her into Azkaban. And I got you when you were six. Before that, I didn't even know you existed. You kept having these really bad dreams of her. Not even dreamless sleep potions worked. So after you said yes I went into your mind and took every memory you had of her." Severus tells her the rest ending with a deep breath.

"Is that it?" She asks. 


She gets up and hugs Severus. "I love you, Dad."

"Love you to, Sophie."

The Daughter of a Slytherin Prince. (Snapes Daughter. Completed.)Where stories live. Discover now