Diagon Alley

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Severus and Sophie meet up with the Malfoy's at their house. Severus is wearing his usual black robes and Sophie is wearing a dress with the dark red top and the bottom is white with dark red polka dots.  They were all ready to go. They all went one by one into the fireplace to The Leaky Cauldron. They went into the little yard and Lucius taps the wall with his wand. The wall starts opening up.

Sophie gasps and says "Woah" excitedly as they make their way to Gringotts Bank. They walk in the bank. Sophie looks around and cowers into her father's cloak. Severus picks her up. What Severus didn't know was that the Potters were right behind his and with them were Ron and Hermione. There are some more people who know his secret but it doesn't matter everyone will know once Hogwarts starts.

James walks up behind them "Whats up Snivellus" 

"James that's rude" Lily chimes in. 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are Going into there 3rd year at Hogwarts.

"Whos this Severus?" Lily asks

Snape has a sort of scared and surprised look on his face.

"Hello Lily, this is his daughter, Sophie" Severus gulps and Sophie buries her head in his shoulder shyly.

Lily decides that she will not ask any follow-up questions seeing that this is very awkward for him. But behind James and Lily Severus sees the horrified faces on Ron and Harry though Hermione's faces is giving off that she thinks its cute.

"Well have a good day you guys." Lily tells them as Severus turns around. Because he turned around Sophie can see them which causes her to bury her face more into his neck.

Lily smiles and leans over to whisper to James "I think she's good for him"

Draco, Lucius, and Narcissa are at there vault which is right next to Severus's. Severus and Sophie enter their vault and Sophie looks at all the Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts in amazement. He gathers some up in a little bag and they walk out to where The Malfoys are waiting for them. They all go out together.

"Okay where should we go to first" Narcissa asks

Sophie sees Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and Yells Still in Severus's arms "Ice cream ice cream ice cream." she is struggling to get out of his arms. 

"Okay okay okay" Severus puts her down and they walk over to the Ice Cream Shop. 

After ice cream, they finally go to get the stuff that they actually need to get. They go to Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions, Flourish and Blotts, Potage's Cauldron Shop, some other shops, and of course Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Severus goes in with Sophie and after many, many tries with many, many wands Sophie gets her wand.Snakewood and Coral 9 1/2 inches slightly bendy.

"Can I get an owl Daddy?" Sophie asks when they walk out of the wand shop.

"I suppose so"

They walk into Magical Menagerie where they see The Weasleys, The Potters, and The Grangers. Severus sees Geneva Weasley. Molly was telling him about her when she and Author came over for tea at his house. She is starting Hogwarts this year. Severus is holding Sophie again. Molly spots him and The Malfoys and walks over.

"Oh Hello, Severus how are you" she doesn't wait for Severus to reply "Who is this?"

"This is my daughter Sophie. Sophie this is Mrs Weasley. Say Hi." Sophie stays quite. "She's really shy. And before you say anything else I'm sorry I never told you about her. I never really told anyone but Lucius and them."

"Oh, Severus it's okay. Is she starting Hogwarts this year? Who is the mother"

"Yes she is starting this year and we don't talk about her mother it's kinda complicated."

Molly nods "Don't worry dear. I have to go pay for Ginny's cat. See you later."


They go to look at all the owls. She decides on a small grey boreal owl.

Once they get back to there house they both gathered up everything they were taking to Hogwarts and put them in the living room. They worked together to pack there bags. Once they were done they made dinner.

Severus tucked Sophie into bed and kissed her forehead 

"G'night Sophs" He starts heading to the door

"Goodnight Daddy"

He smiles at her and shuts off the light.





Authors Note

Hello everybody how you doing. Next chapter you will find out what house Sophie will be in. Will she be in Slytherin like her father or Gryffindor like the trio? But she's also pretty smart so it could be Ravenclaw. And she's nice so it could possibly be Hufflepuff (My house) What do you think it will be. Oh, and BTW I know if the trio is in there 3rd year Ginny would be in her 2nd but I'm changing it because I felt like it. I would also like to shout out my BFFS Wattpad Dagger-Blackale she is a very good writer and (I think) She writes HP Fanfic to. If she doesn't she will. She is a big Dramione fan. So go check out her stories. (Dagger-Blackale ILY BFF <3) 

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