Part 18

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Nicky's P.O.V.

When Austin wrapped his arms around my waist I noticed Justin....I don't know if it was just me, but he looked almost jealous. Who am I kidding ! He had Regina who was WAY prettier than me. Though she needed to keep her eyes on Justin NOT Austin.When we got to the hotel I got ready for the night.I walked out the bathroom after I looked at my reflection and saw all the guys and the girls dressed. Austin looked up from his phone, gave me a sweet smile and walked to me."You look beautiful." I looked down and blushed."And you are handsome as always." I looked back at him as he placed a kiss on my forehead."Now! Who's ready to party!" I yelled as I skipped to the door."Ooh! Me! Me! Me!" Robert raised his hand all excited and met me at the door. While the others looked at us as if we were crazy.Kaylyn and Hanna weren't so excited to go... I mean the should have been really tired after the flight so I said to them:"C'mon girls! Smile! I'm sure we'll have some fun ! There will be a lot of boys!" Robert added:"And a lot of girls!" Kaylyn gave a serious look to Alex and answered:"I'm not looking for a boy Nicky and..." Hanna interrupted her:"But I am and Kaylyn you should come too to keep an eye on Alex haha so let's go!" But not only the girls weren't so enthusiastic to go...also the boys except Robert of course."PARTY POOPOOERS!" I yelled back at them as I put my arm around Robert's neck and walked out the door. "Lets go Villanueva. These assholes aren't in a party mood." I laughed as we walked down the hall.

"AYE! I heard that!" Vittoria yelled up at me. I laughed and ran to the elevator. I felt my phone vibrate so I looked at the screen and saw I had a message from Justin.

From: Justin

Hey the place is called Starlight. Austin might know where it is. If not then call me and I'll show you how to get there. Save me a dance. ( ;

Austin and the others finally reached me at the elevator."Hey, Justin just texted me the place. He said it was called 'Starlight'? Do you know where that is?" I asked Austin as we piled up in the elevator.

"Yeah, its not far from here." He replied as we reached the lobby.We got to Starlight and I have to say it was a pretty cool place.Vittoria and Zach were of a different opinion so they decided to take a walk in a park in front of the pub. Kaylyn and Alex did the same. I have to admit that Austin didn't like the place as well but he got in only because he didn't wanted to leave me alone. So we got in with Robert and Hanna. I haven't seen Justin nor Regina. Not that it bothered me.While I was dancing with Austin the other two were looking around for someone to stay with and it was preety funny. "Hey imma go to the bathroom." I yelled at Austin since the music was blazing loud. I walked to the bathroom and saw a drunk girl puking in a stall. Yeah it was a teenage club, but they still had alcohol. What's a party without it?  When I left the bathroom I went to find Austin but Robert caught up to me. We stopped dead in out tracks when we saw Austin standing by the bar making out with the person I was really hoping wouldn't be there that night. Across the room from me I saw Austin sucking face

with......Regina. She looked like a sloppy slut. I couldn't bare to see him with her. I felt Robert's gaze turn to me. I shook my head and tried to hold back the tears. But it was already too late they were streaming down my face. I turned around and ran out of the club as fast as I could."Nicky!" I heard Robert yell trying to get through the crowd. "Nicky come back!"

I was out of breath when I reached the light post at the end of the street. I sat on a bench and tried to get myself together.

Robert's P.O.V.

I shifted through the crowded dance floor until I was outside. I looked down both streets searching for Nicky. I looked to my left to see a fragile body bending over on a bench. I ran to the bench and sat down. Austin was never the kind of person to do something like that. I know he couldn't have done it voluntarily. It's not something he would do. I looked at Nicky. I didn't know what to say to her.

"Hey are you ok?" I whispered to her as I sat closer. She didn't answer me. Instead she threw herself into my arms. I hugged her tighter and and placed my chin on top of her head."I want you to know that Austin would never do that to you on purpose. I'm not trying to make it seem like it didn't happen or cover up for him, but I've known him since we were little and he'd never do that. Regina must of got him drunk or something." I tried to make her feel better. I guess it was working because she looked up at me."You really think that?" She asked softly."I know it. And I don't like seeing you upset over this and I don't want you guys to break up over some girl that just appeared out of the blue." She gave me a slight smile then hugged me."Thanks Villanueva." She giggled and I chuckled. I placed my hand under her chin to make her look up at me."You're too pretty to be crying. And if Austin did kiss Regina on his on will, don't think any less of yourself. Regina is pretty, yes, but you're better. Your personality is actually the best about you. You're one of a kind." I actually meant all of this. I've never met any girl with the same features as her.

"You're kidding right?" She laughed, "Of course I'm nothing like other girls. I'm not pretty, smart, funny, curvy, or anything guys look for in girls. Austin asking me out even took ME by surprise. I know I'm not his type and he knows it too. He probably just asked me out cause he felt bad or something." She shook her head as she finished speaking. I turned to the side to where I was face-to-face with her.

"Nicky, you're beautiful. You're smart, funny, full of life, and everything a guy could ask for. Honestly," I looked down then back up at her "if Austin hadn't had asked you out and if I hadn't been in love with another girl, I think I would've by now."

She looked a bit taken back, but then smiled and asked:"So you met the right girl there,didn't you?" "No,I've just realised that I already had the one in front of my eyes" I replied. "And who is the lucky girl?" "Well.... Hanna but i don't think she likes me back and btw she's Alex's cousin and Alex is too protective with her... I'm a bit afraid of him"

She nodded, but didn't look at me. Her gaze was behind me. I looked at her then slowly turned around. Standing only a few feet away there were a starstruck Austin.I looked at Nicky who was now standing.

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