Part 3

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Vicky's P.O.V.

When me and Zach got off the plane we lost Alex, Robert, Nicky and Austin so we decided to just get our bags and wait at Starbucks. We ordered our drinks and sat at a table waiting to see if they turned up.

"I'm really glad I met you on this trip otherwise, I would've died of boredom with just Alex!" He said the last words a little over exaggerated, but he was really sweet.

"I'm glad I met you too and I don't think Alex is that boring." Zach answered:"Alex isn't boring he's really cool, he just sleeps a lot and hardly talks but I'm still glad I got to meet you and get to know you." He kept smiling while talking.

"I think we should hang out when you get done with Austin's video." I really wanted to see Zach again. He's a really sweet guy. I honestly had lost hope on finding a guy like him. I thought I might be falling for him.

Nicky's P.O.V.

We all sat at a table waiting until Alex and Robert showed up, but they didn't so we went looking for them.

"Guys we've been looking for them over an hour! We looked into the bathrooms, the parking and everywhere else we're allowed to enter!" Austin said exhausted.

I was about to answer when I turned to look at the thing where the luggage comes from and these holes were riding it!

Austin's P.O.V.

I was tired of looking for Robert and Alex. So tired I seriously thought of just leaving them here and going home.

"Guys, we've been looking for over an hour! We searched in bathrooms,in the parking and everywhere else we're allowed to enter!"I said

I turned to Nicky who was about to speak when she turned her head to the luggage thing and there they were.Nicky laughed and ran to them and got on the thing as well. I walked towards them and shook my head."You guys are such little kids and you're causing a scene." I turned to look around at the people just staring at us. I  have to admit it looked fun, but I was tired from the flight and from looking for Robert and Alex .I just wanted to get home and sleep.

"You know you want to ride it with us Austin! Don't hold back just get on and oh well if they kick us out...." It sounded cool, but I just wanted to go home and get some rest for the video shoot tomorrow.

"If I wasn't tired I would join you guys, but I'm exhausted. Can you please just go?" And of course they didn't care....Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me causing me to fall on Nicky.

"Austin I can't feel my leg!" She said in both pain and laugh.

"Haha sorry. Blame Alex and now I'm getting dizzy so let's go!"

We got off and I called Dave to ask him where he's at. We waited for 5 minutes when my Range Rover pulled up. Dave got out and hugged Alex, Robert, and Zach.

"Aye! Who said you could drive my Range?" I questioned Dave.

"It was the only car big enough to fit all of you guys in and where's Michele?"

Zach answered for me, "She couldn't catch a flight with us so she should be arriving tomorrow morning.""Okay, that's cool. So you finally got a girl Zach?" Dave asked Zach, causing Vicky to look towards the ground and Zach to blush.

I could tell Zach didn't want to answer so I did for him.

"No he didn't, we just met them on the plane. This is Nicky and that's Vicky." I pointed to them

"Nice to meet you girls. Now let's get this show on the road!" They shook hands, we put our stuff in the trunk and got in the car.We asked them if they wanted to come with us so they jumped on the car too.

Nicky's P.O.V.

We got into Austin's Range. The car was silent except for the radio, but it wasn't an awkward silence just silent.

I guess Austin noticed it since he broke the silence and asked,"So where are you girls gonna stay?"

"I.....honestly have no idea. My mom didn't tell me.....which is my fault since I haven't told her we landed yet. Oops, wait a sec."

I called my mom and she told me the name of the hotel which I give to Dave.We got there thanks to him for knowing the location of it unless we would've got lost. Austin helped me to get my bags out the back.

"Thanks for the ride and for making the plane ride not so boring." I smiled at him as he handed me my last bag.

"Anytime and I've been meaning to ask you, Would you and Vicky want to be in my music video tomorrow?" I've never been in a video before so I didn't know what to answer.

"Uhh... yea sure!!!"

"Okay, thanks umm...can I have your numbers so I can text you when and where to meet me up?"


We exchanged numbers and hugged. I saw Zach and Vicky doing the same. I thanked Austin and Dave again, said bye to Robert, Zach and Alex and we walked into the hotel to check in.

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