Happy Birthday?

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Elizabeth's POV

It's the morning of Kade's birthday and everyone has been avoiding the subject today we are going to pretend we forgot all about it and then throw him a huge surprise party. I walked downstairs to see a smiling Kade walk through the front door
"Morning Kade I'm so tired it feels like a lazy day" I said to see his reaction
"Oh maybe you should take a nap" Kade said with a fake smile
"Yeah maybe anyways I'll see you later" I said walking away I had a pain in my heart and it killed me to do this to him his face made me want to melt in a pile of regret. I walked away and shook Jake awake from his long sleep
"Get up Jake it's your turn to talk to Kade remember it's not his birthday" I said and winked at him while he got up out of bed. I let him do his thing and walked back to my room to get ready.

Kade's POV

I walked in the front door to the house and immediately saw Elizabeth god is she beautiful I sat by her and smiled waiting for a few people to say happy birthday to me it's not like I enjoy attention it's just I'm always behind the camera and sometimes it's nice to receive a bit but nobody said anything. Elizabeth started to talk about how she was tired and I pulled a fake smile across my face I watched her go upstairs and my face dropped I'm pretty upset but that doesn't mean she forgot maybe she just didn't want to say it yet... Right?

Elizabeth's POV

I sat down in bed and got ready trying not to feel bad about everything.
I did my hair up in a messy bun and put on a full face of makeup, I wore a oversized champion shirt as a dress and put a belt on my waist to give me a bit of shape I looked pretty damn good. I inhaled and walked downstairs to where all the guys were I blushed when I noticed all of them staring but brushed it off and went to find Kade he was in the office and looked as if he was just punched in the gut I felt real bad so I decided to cheer him up a bit by talking.
"Hey Kade" I said with a big smile on my face he looked up from his computer and I watched his eyes go up and down while he took my image in I turned my head to look the other way and I could feel my face heating up
"Hi you look really good I mean like amazing" Kade said
"Don't do that Kade you make me blush" I said while my face heated up again
"Not my fault" he said as I watched his eyes change to a darker shade I bit my lip and said
"I better go okay umm bye"
Kade's face dropped again and I got out of there as quickly as I could.

Several hours later

I walked down to the kitchen and avoided Kade so I wouldn't tell him anything I successfully made it and got out a bowl from the top shelf and set it down in front of me. Before I grabbed my cereal Jake ran towards me
"Liz we are about to set up and it's getting dark out so in other words you need to get Kade out of the house now and text me when your on your way home got it?" Jake said
"Jake why me? Can't you take him?" I groaned
"No because he trusts you more than me for some reason" Jake said with a wink
I glared at him and said
"Fine but you have to get me a new phone deal?"
"Deal, now go" Jake said pushing me out of the kitchen
I walked over to Kade and tapped his shoulder he took his headphones out and looked at me with a straight face I sat down on his lap and he looked confused I realized what I did and got up sitting on the table I blushed and asked
"So I'm like really hungry and I need someone to go with me so can you please?"
"Yeah sure nobody will even notice I'm gone" Kade said in a very sarcastic angry voice making me frown I pulled him up and we got in my car I drove and asked him where he wanted to go
"I don't care you pick" he said we both finally agreed on the new vegan place downtown and we got our table.
"So El I was wondering say some people forgot about something that was pretty important to you what would you do? I'm asking for a friend you know how it is"
Kade said
"Ummmm I would maybe see if there was a misunderstanding I guess" I said clearly knowing this friend was him I melted inside and we ordered our food it was pretty quiet for a while but we were talking like normal after a bit and then I felt my phone vibrate.

My Brothers Best Friend (Kade Speiser)Where stories live. Discover now