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Elizabeth's POV

I sat back on the stairs hoping that maybe just maybe they'd all come in and say it was a joke but they didn't and I watched them drive away. I slumped over to the stairs and had a long cry before I walked towards my room and did absolutely nothing. The next few weeks were the exact same just lying In my room watching Netflix and YouTube I watched Jake's vlogs and did nothing but eat and sleep I lived a boring life that's for sure. It was horrible I thought I would have a little fun having a massive house to myself but I didn't I barely left my room even to eat. Nobody's came over nor did I want anyone to come over and the best part it was almost my birthday August 11th 2 days away and I'd be spending that alone. Not a moment ever passed that i didn't think about leaving the house or Kade but only a few people made an effort to text me. I decided it was time to get up and go on a walk so I did I kicked the door not a single fan outside and began up the street my hair flying behind me as the wind swept through it. I closed my eyes and breathed in feeling happy with myself I opened them and noticed a man to the very corner he was tall and stocky very muscular and had red hair I felt uneasy about him i picked up my speed but he did the same I began sprinting up the sidewalk that's seemed to be deserted just for my luck and my hair so untidily behind me was yanked and a hand clapped over my mouth before I was being lifted and I passed out In shock not knowing what was going to happen to me. The next thing I knew I was awake in a ditch my whole body aching bruises scratches and I could just feel it I had been kidnapped and raped. My whole body was shaking in shock and pain every inch of me marked by what happened in a way I was glad so glad I wasn't awake for it but if I just didn't walk out this wouldn't of happened and I would be okay. I tried fitting the pieces together in my head but couldn't I hadn't brought nothing with me so i couldnt call or text and I rubbed my aching head I walked slowly up onto the street and seen something I was so glad to see... the bowling alley. I picked up my pace feeling eyes on me I wanted to scream and run but my legs they just couldn't carry me so I limped painfully over to the neon building and opened the doors the sign had clearly stated it was closed but I had no option I couldn't turn back I shook and started to cry and i entered the main area immediately seeing Chris from when I bowled here before he seen me and ran up
"Oh my god are you alright?" He asked stabilising me I shook my head no and he sat me down on a chair and brought me some water
"D....do y..ou remember me?" I asked through sobs
"Of course Elizabeth" he said and sat beside me
"Can you tell me what happened" he said taking my shaking hands
"A.....a..... g..g..u...y" I tried to say but I myself wasn't too sure what happened
"Ra...p.e" I said because that's really all the information I had Chris lept to his feet and dialed 911 immediately scrambling to get them over here I wanted to say no but I couldn't a little later someone entered and it was a friendly cop she walked over and sat beside me
"Hi I'm officer Judy and ill be helping you tonight" she smiled and I realized it was night how did I stay passed out that long unless he slipped me something. She asked me the usual who was it and I didn't know so the questions went on and Chris came with me so they could do a rape kit on me still  completely shocked I agreed and got it done and I was offered a room to stay in for protection which I declined and had Chris drive me home I felt as though it was my normal to feel this way and it was just yet again something I had to get over with i have sex once and the other two were rape not good odds
"ill sleep over" Chris said to me as we went into the house i wanted to refuse but I was terrified and agreed
"You should get some rest or take a shower ill be down here if you need anything" Chris said and looked at me I nodded and went to my bathroom before throwing my clothes in the trash can and turning on the water which stung my cuts and bruises my body aches as I scrubbed and scrubbed but couldn't shake the dirty feeling I cried and cried into my bed before the weight of the day collapsed in on me and my eyes shut tears still clinging my cheeks.

I heard a light knocking on my door and I opened my eyes which were glued shut with tears left in my eyes from last night I opened up my door and Chris stood
"They caught the guy and I brought ice cream and chocolate" Chris smiled and handed me the bag we sat on my bed watching a movie and eating he made me feel happier
"My birthdays tomorrow" I told him
"Oh really I guess I'll just have to stay another night then" he smiled at me
"no you don't have to what about the bowling alley?" I asked
"My dad runs it too he'll be alright alone" he told me and grabbed a chocolate and popped it into his mouth
"now that cut on your shoulder looks pretty bad ill grab a bandaid" he said grabbing a bandaid he must have set when he walked in. He put it on my shoulder gently and frowned
"Im so sorry I couldn't imagine" he told me
"It's okay at least I didn't remember and he's gone quite honestly not the worst thing that happened to me but not the greatest either" I told him
"Your one tough cookie you know and I also got you a morning after pill because you can never be too careful" he pulled out a package and I took the little white tablet
"Thanks for taking care of me and for letting me sleep in"  I said looking at the clock that read 2 pm
" No problem you had a long day" he scoffed and we continued to watch. The later and later it got the more and more I could let go a little bit he really helped me like a lot. We ended up not leaving my room that day except when getting food and going to the washroom that we eventually went to sleep early in my bed he held me and I could fall into a deep sleep.

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