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Elizabeth's POV

I'm in the land of dreams when suddenly I'm awoken by the bouncing vibrations of my bed
"5 more minutes" I pouted
"Nope I let you sleep in get up El" Kade said and he stopped jumping but instead sat beside me in bed. I pulled the covers over my head and snuggled into them so I was tucked in again
"Oh come on" Kade whined. I flipped over so I was facing him but still had the covers over my face
"Were going to miss our flight you know" Kade said but I didn't reply instead I opened the blanket giving him entrance he grabbed them and pulled them over him
"Fine five minutes besides I'm tired too" Kade said and I flipped over letting him cuddle into me he wrapped his arms around my waist and we laid there comfortably for what seemed like ages
*ring* *ring* I heard an alarm go off
"Really you set an alarm?" I asked Kade
"Yup now get your butt up" he said to me as he got up leaving the ghost of him still wrapped around me
"Ugh fine" I said as I hopped out of bed Kade left the room and I started to get ready.
I wore denim short shorts and a red crop top I put my hair in two braids and did some natural makeup and then I was all set. I grabbed my suitcase and lugged it downstairs everybody was sitting on the trampoline waiting I groaned as I hate making people wait but Kade did warn me. We all packed into three Ubers and we're on our way to the airport. We went through security and did all the boring stuff and finally started to board the plane I found my seat and it just happened to be the only seat away from the team I groaned at the thought of it since I would have nobody to help me through my mini panic attacks I hate planes with a passion. I was seated by an older woman who looked like if a fly touched her she would shatter I got the window seat and sat there waiting for takeoff.
We were starting our 9 and a half hour journey to Kupalua, Maui... great...

7 hours in

I have took multiple naps and when I woke up the older lady wasn't there the flight attendant said she was sick so they brought her to a seat alone so that another attendant could help her. I said thank you and she walked away as soon as she did some turbulence hit. I was freaking out I even let out a tear I closed my eyes and the turbulence was over and I felt a hand on my shoulder
"Kade what are you doing here?" I asked looking at Kade
"Well I know you too well and I figured the turbulence would freak you out and since nobody is sitting here the flight attendant let me sit" he said thoughtfully
"Thanks Kade your the best" I said grabbing his hand and squeezing it I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes hand in hand I fell asleep.

"Wake up El were landing" Kade said while shaking me I opened my eyes and Kade had already put my seat belt on me I smiled and stretched out we finally landed and were getting off. We grabbed our luggage and Jake had a car waiting for us. It was only 12 in Maui and 3 for us we started our day by checking in to our hotel and we put our luggage inside we all changed into our suits and wore them I changed into this.

 It was only 12 in Maui and 3 for us we started our day by checking in to our hotel and we put our luggage inside we all changed into our suits and wore them I changed into this

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It was very revealing so I had to watch myself. I put my clothes over top and walked out of the bathroom to see Kade just putting on his shirt letting me see his abs I smirked as I walked out of our room with Kade following.
"I still hate Jake for putting us in the same room you know" I said to Kade
"Yeah but we are only changing and sleeping in there" Kade said reassuring me
"Yeah I guess we are" I said looking up at him realizing how tall he is for the first time
"Your tall" I said while giggling
"Your short" he said back and side hugged me. We walked till we found everyone and we all decided on going to the beach. We arrived and everyone undressed down to their bathing suits. I finished last making sure my top wasn't revealing anything and thankfully it stayed where it was. I decided to lay down with Jake to tan a bit since none of the girls wanted to be less than a foot away from their boyfriends which I guess I wouldn't either. A little while later Jake left and I was alone everybody was off doing their own things so I was left with nobody in sight I sighed as I looked around I put my head back onto the sand and closed my eyes. About five minutes later I heard a voice
"Hey pretty lady what are you doing here all alone"
"Tanning and I'm not alone" I said out of slight fear
"Well it looks like it. You know that bathing suit looks really good on you but one wrong move and you would be able to see everything" he laughed as he talked and then I felt a hand on the strap of my top
"Stop" I said
"Just like I said one wrong move" and he yanked the strap up revealing my boobs.
I covered myself up but the man pulled my hands down and pushed so I couldn't move
"Leave me alone" I yelled
"I'm not done yet" he said as he kissed my neck and nibbled my ear I shifted and he kept going
"G..G. .go away" I stuttered from the contact and he wouldn't stop he started to grind his hips onto me and I screamed loud suddenly a bunch of the team had ran back I felt weight being lifted off me and knew that he was gone I fixed my top and stared into space although this wasn't the worst thing that has happened to me it does something to a person. Tessa and Erika were making sure I was okay and honestly I was it was almost like it didn't really faze me. We walked off after the guy was beaten to shit and we were off again everyone was fine and they seemed happier too except for Kade.
"What's wrong?" I asked him
"What the hell do you think is wrong Elizabeth you thinking it's nothing. Maybe if you weren't wearing such a revealing suit this wouldn't of happened" he yelled at me and that set me over the edge
"Fuck you Kade" I yelled and slapped his face I ran back to the hotel and closed the door I cried into my hands as I buried my entire body in pillows and blankets I turned on the television and tried to forget. I was more hurt by that comment than anything else that has happened today. I heard a knock on the door and I opened it I saw that someone had ordered me room service it was from Erika and Tessa I took it and paid the bill since I didn't want the girls to pay and I took it inside I looked at what they ordered me popcorn, ice cream, chocolate and spaghetti I smiled as I realized what great friends I had and I started to eat. I lost track of time and ended up in the room for hours I finished what I could eat and put the rest in the fridge and freezer. It was now 4 pm and would be 7 at home I decided to reunite with everybody since it wasn't fair that everybody took the fall for Kade and I changed into my pajamas I went out and texted Erika where they were she said they were in the garden and I walked down and met up with everybody.
I looked and talked to everyone but Kade and tried to focus on everything but him it was actually really hard to stay mad at him especially when you saw the regret on his face but I won't let him win this one even if his shirt is off and his abs are glinting off the sun. I loosened up a bit and we all went out for supper I thanked Tessa and Erika for the food they got me and we ate at a quiet restaurant when we finished everyone was getting tired and we decided to go to sleep since it was almost 11 at home. We all walked to our rooms and Kade and I didn't say a word to each other.
As soon as I got into bed since i was already wearing my pajamas I made a barricade of my side of blankets and separated the bed but it did leave me cold. I laid there freezing since these rooms aren't the warmest and I felt the bed beside me dip
"I'm sorry El it's just I don't like seeing you get hurt and I blamed it all on you its not your fault your gorgeous and other guys see it in a different way" he said sadly
"Kade can we just go to bed I'm tired" I said and I felt a tear slip out of my eye.
"Fine but is this blanket wall necessary?" He asked making me giggle a bit
"Ya" I said quietly and wiped my tears away and we both stopped talking I was shivering and shaking but didn't want to give in until Kade did it for me he took the blankets and wrapped them over me he tucked me in he pulled me close into him I smiled and my heart beat  quickened he wrapped his arm around me and said
"I can't stand seeing you in discomfort it bothers me too much" I blushed and giggled not able to control myself
"Don't do that Kade you make my insides churn" I said while my body ached to be touched.
"Good" he said as he kissed the back of my head and snaked his hand to my thigh
"Kade" I gulped as he made my downstairs area pulse
"Shh it's time for bed" he said in my ear making me shiver and then he stopped making me ache for someone to touch me again I groaned and shifted uncomfortably at my own body i dont think he knows what he was doing to me and how now I was too awake to sleep but I tried anyways and I successfully fell into darkness.

My Brothers Best Friend (Kade Speiser)Where stories live. Discover now