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Elizabeth's POV

This morning I actually got up without being violently attacked by my brother or anyone else for that matter and I enjoyed my morning of freedom. Actually it was very quiet today almost too quiet, I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs but nobody was down so I went into Chance and Anthony's room but they were gone and so were the cars what the hell is going on I thought. I decided to make myself breakfast and on my way into the kitchen I noticed a note.

To Elizabeth
From Jake

We didn't want to wake you so we left. I know you will have a hard time reading this next part and that's why I need you to sit down. When your situated flip this note over.

I sat down on the counter and flipped it over my hands shook and my eyes teared up

Elizabeth Kade has been in a car crash and the doctors don't know if he will make it sorry I didn't wake you but I know this news isn't any easier for you as it is for us. We will be home soon I love you.

I set the note down and stared blankly my mind was trying so hard to wrap itself around everything when reality hit me that's when it got bad my knees buckled and I fell. I cried into my hands and fumbled with my phone to get the nearest Uber. I called and stepped outside my vision becoming so blurry from tears nothing felt real nothing, felt alive, I didn't feel alive. I saw a car pull up and I stepped into the front seat a guy around my age with large sunglasses and a beard asked me
"What's wrong?" In a gruff voice
"N..Nothing I I'm fine can you go fast please to the hospital" I stammered
"Why?" The man's voice had changed and I turned my head recognizing his features
"KADE" I yelled and crawled over the seat to him I hugged him tighter than a snake would when killing it's prey tears still stinging my eyes but no longer from sadness from happiness.
"I hate you" I yelled while still holding him
"I hate you too" he said and as soon as those words left his mouth Kade's door opened and Jake had his camera shoving it in my face
"We got you, how does it feel to be pranked by the best prankster in the world?" Jake cooed
"Fuck you" I mouthed and walked off I wiped the tears from my eyes and felt relieved. Who knew how much he actually affected me I'm still shaking.
"I'm sorry" I heard Kade say behind me
"You better be" I frowned and he outstretched his arms letting me hug him I walked over placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes I felt safe in his arms and I could smell his cologne eminating from him
"Awh how cute" another voice chimed in I opened my eyes and saw none other than thing 1 and thing 2 Jake and his camera.
"Honestly I'm still waiting for them to date huh Jake Paulers comment hashtag Kelli if you feel the same" Jake beaked into his camera. I can never just share a nice moment with someone before another person makes it awkward.

We made our way inside and got situated back into our normal routine I watched as Kade edited and Jake was thinking of a challenge to do.
"all the single peoples gather around" Jake yelled and Kade and I stood up along with Ray and Meghan
"So this game is a little frisky what's going to happen is we get a stuffed animal and everybody is blindfolded and they kiss the animal wherever they kiss is where they have to kiss the person on their right so if you kiss the plushies butt you kiss the person on the rights butt if you refuse to kiss that area you have to give a hickey to the person on your left." Jake finished saying
"Fine Jake" I groaned and he smiled in defeat.

We sat in a circle in this order me, Kade, Meghan and Ray. The teddy bear was in the middle on a string and Anthony slipped sleep masks over our heads
"Ready Ray you start" Chance muttered and I heard snickering
"Ray got off easy he only kissed the cheek" Jake said and I took off my blindfold and Ray gently kissed my cheek making me blush slightly. Alright it's my turn I thought as I slipped the blindfold back and went forward towards the animal I kissed a spot and everyone belted out laughing shit I thought.
"You kissed the bears stomach Kade lift up your shirt. Unless you want to give Ray a hickey... your choice" Jake shouted I took off my blindfold and Kade had already had his off
"Sorry" I said looking at Kade and he lifted his shirt exposing his toned body I looked at it admiring the definition and bent low on my knees and pressed my lips to his stomach leaving several plum lipstick marks I might have went a little longer than anticipated.
"Damn honey you hit" Chad yelled and I glared and watched Kade put on his shirt. I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't hoping Kade would only have to kiss Meghan on the cheek or forehead but when does that ever happen in my life because he kissed the damned bears boob well chest in this case but really there is no way he'd do that to poor old Meg but then that would mean I would be given a hickey we can never win can we.
"Jake can I go over again I mean I ain't about to do that to Meg?" Kade pleaded
"Nah you know the rules kiss or hickey" Chad said and Kade rolled his eyes I don't blame him.
"Fine Elizabeth where do you want it?" Kade asked me and I just gave him a "really" look he shook his head and he came to my neck but he didn't do it there he went to my collarbone and his soft lips connected with it sending familiar tingles down my body I flung back my head and curled my toes while biting my lip in nervousness it seemed like forever before he finally took his lips off and my body went to normal. His eyes never left my collarbone and I looked at the bruising area slowly getting darker
"Next" I whispered and the game went on a few rounds in and we were getting ready to quit Jake texted me saying
"Say your going to the washroom" I looked at him and he mouthed hurry
"Pause the camera I'm going to the washroom" I said and walked over to where Jake was
"what?" I asked
"Do you want to get back at Kade?" Jake deviously stammered
"Hold on if I would get back at anyone it would be you" I laughed out
"True but for this sake when it's your turn we will tell everyone it's lips and you make out with Kade like really hard and shock him got it great bye" he said and left not letting me answer but i thought what the hell and I walked back over to the circle and sat down. Immediately we started again we went through the blindfolding process again and I kissed the teddy bear
"Finally someone got lips" Jake said as if he didn't know it was a set up and we all took the blindfolds off and I looked at Kade counted to 3 and sat in his lap I watched as his eyes got wider and I leaned in gently kissing him quickly and looking in his eyes then going back in again this time biting his bottom lip and dragging it back I went to lean in once again but Kade made it easier for me and leaned in as well this time the kiss was long his minty breath strong as ever we were working together in perfect harmony kissing harder and softer and everything in between my heart sunk in my chest and soon I couldn't think he practically paralyzed me all I could feel was electricity going through out lips and my rapid heart giving me the best feeling he was driving me insane when I couldn't breathe any longer I let go and we gazed into each others eyes both breathless my lips were swollen and I smiled
"That's for pranking me" I said stupidly and sashayed away to my room.
"Well I should prank you more often" Kade said still in shock.

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