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Elizabeth's POV
I woke up and stretched admiring Kade longer while he slept with his legs sprawled out and took in his shoulder muscles and seen every muscle dent. Jealousy still slightly coursed through me from his prank last night but I deserve it considering what I put him through with Chance. I went on my phone and didn't move out of fear of waking him up so I stayed perfectly still while glancing at him every so often taking him in and checking to see if he was awake or not. Around an hour later and a nap between that time Kade was the one awake
"Hey" he smiled yawning I groaned slightly and my eyes watered from being tired I cuddled into the blanket more and stretched slightly I was tempted to outstretch my arms and fling them over his chest but I didn't want to cross any boundaries so I stayed where I was
"El are you gonna wake up?" He asked looking over my shoulder I flipped over still with my eyes closed and yawned again
"Five more minutes" I mumbled more tired than when I woke up the first time
"Okay" he laughed slightly and covered himself fully up I drifted off again and soon I assume he did too as we woke up 3 hours later. We soon came to this realization when Chance bursted into the room to tell me how good the video was bringing in likes and subs.
"Oh you're here too?" Chance questioned walking over to my window and peering at Kades car
"Yes Chance obviously if I'm here my car is too you don't need to check" Kade said annoyed and tired from what appeared to be too much sleep
"Chill buddy its just a subconscious thing like if you tie your shoe and look down just to make sure you did it like that sort of thing" Chance shrugged
"Oh my God why are people so annoying in the morning" Kade huffed
"Actually bud its 1 in the afternoon Chance said as he was about to leave and Kade chucked a pillow across the room at the door
"Awe what got in your pants today?" I laughed
"Oh you know just the hot girl I was talking to last night while we watched that movie" he smiled I melted and pushed his face away
"Oh shut up" I giggled at the prank he pulled on me yesterday
"Well I'm not going back to sleep how bout you grumpy pants" I said facing him my bed wasn't too big and we were probably a bit unnecessarily close to eachother but his face was only about an inch away from mine and my heart was quick to start beating out of my chest. Kade cleared his throat and reached over me towards my night stand and grabbed the water bottle sitting there and coming back to his spot where he just was before practically being on top of me to reach over.
"You steal my bed and now my water too?" I question as he took a huge drink
"Mhm" he hummed while drinking and spilling all over himself and my bed and he started having a coughing fit out of pure irrationalization I began to put out my hand and wipe it off his face with one hand and with the other scouring his chest as to get some of the water off I was so caught up in it I realized he stopped coughing and I snapped back into reality and stopped wiping his chest. My heart quickened again and I could hear it pumping not sure if he could but it was plain as day to me I looked up at him as he was already looking at me and I blanked like a school girl walking by her crush and then it was almost like I wasn't in control and I used my thumb and forefinger to cup his chin and wipe the final tiny droplet of water off with a slight clasping drawing me in nearer we were seconds apart and I wanted him so badly it was unbelievable how much time can screw you up as much as heal you.
"Liz get up were going to Logans house for a party" Jake said bursting into my room I almost fell off my bed falling back and If you couldn't hear my heart before you most definitely can now.
"Dont you knock?" I yelled "it's only 1 why are we going so early?" I groaned
"Well Elizabeth Chance told me you were being lazy so I'm here besides you take forever to get ready also I'm keeping the door open because you're awfully close" he said calmly and disgusted and walked out swinging the door wide open. I groaned and stood up to shut it
"Do you have clothes here?" I yawned
"No but I'll steal your brothers right off his back" Kade said angrily
"Hey now I'm sorry for making you sleep in and making you Mr grumpy" I joked
"Sorry I guess I just wanna stay In bed instead of party" he sighed and put on a shirt
"I know" I smiled watching his skin as it became covered.
"You gonna go home for a bit?" I stretched
"Yeah I guess wanna come I think I am a but grumpy and I might road rage a bit I need a calming energy with me" he smiled
"I can't I gotta get ready and Erika wanted to go help Tristan plan something for Tessa so I have to keep her company" I said half smiling
"Fine but if someone gets out of their car and puncheds me in the face it's your fault" Kade pointed at me before leaving my room I smiled and the door shut and exhaled all the breath out of my lungs into the air. Man did he make me question everything I've done since I arrived here in LA. It wasn't true either Tristan wasn't doing anything for Tessa I just didn't wanna screw with my head or his.

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