Jenna's POV 2 month later I was at dress rehearsal and it was Val and Reese's turn to dance. "Let's go handsome !" I cheered making him look at me. They did a beautiful Samba and went to the judges table. The fake judges gave them a score of 36/40 and then Tom called the other couple on stage for the fake elimination. "So the couple going home tonight is... Kevin and Lindsay." After that, I joined Val to his trailer and waited for him to go eat. We had a family lunch with Maks, Peta and Shai at a restaurant down the street. "Val, Maks just texted me telling you to hurry the fuck up." I say to him reading the text message that just popped up on my phone. "Okay ! Look I'm ready !" He says getting out of the bathroom, "Come on babe." He adds taking my hand into his.
"Sorry for the wait, I'm kinda slow." Val says as he pulls my chair for me to sit down."We've noticed." Maks adds sarcastically. "Do you know how hard it is for a 1 and a half to stay seated and to be patient ?" Maks also adds. "Give me time, one day, I'll have 2 of them !" , "I swear that if you weren't with Jenna, I'd wish these kids were going to be horrible ! But Jenna doesn't deserves that !" Peta and I looked at each other and started to laugh. "Well thank you Maks, I appreciate it." I say just before the babies started to kick. I grabbed onto the table and took big breaths making it stop for a few moments before they kicked again, harder. I tighten my grips on the table and waited before leaning back onto the chair. "Babe, are you okay ?" Val asked me, concerned. "Yeah, they just kicked. I'll be fine, don't worry."
Throughout the lunch, the babies wouldn't stop to kick and it was hurting really bad. "Jenna, are you okay ? You haven't touch your food. " Peta asks me. "I'm not hungry, I have nausea..." I answer. "You should go to the hospital, it could be dangerous for the babies. Better safe than sorry." She adds. "Yeah... I'll go later." I say before taking a sip of water. "No, we're going now." Val says as he get his wallet out to pay the bill. "Val—" , "— There's no Val. Later I'll probably be in the hair and makeup trailer and I won't be able to go with you. We're going now babe." He says. "Okay, fine."
We drove to the hospital and then I went to see the nurse to get register. "So Miss Johnson. What are the symptoms ?" She asks me. "Well, the babies are both kicking kinda hard and I have nausea. Oh, well I don't think it's a symptom but still, my lower back is hurting..." I say. Her face changes. "How many weeks are you ?" She asks. "Barely 30." I answer confused. "We'll have to do an ultrasound and we'll decide what's next. You can go now to the room 283." She adds.
Not long after I was changed, Miss Scott walked in the room and did the ultrasound. All along, she seemed worried but wouldn't answer our questions quite yet. "Transfer her to the 4th floor. They're coming." We heard her whispers to another nurse. I looked over at Val and he looked at worried as I did. "Miss Johnson." She said as she walked back into the room. "I need you to stay calm—" my heart skipped a beat. "— The babies are coming, we'll try to make you deliver them by a natural way but if we need to, we'll have to do a C-section." She says. "Since your water haven't break, we'll need to break them ourselves. You have about 30 minutes to get your things ready." And just like that she left. I couldn't give birth ! Not right now ! I'm not even 8 months pregnant ! My hands started to shake and I started to cry. I was having another panic attack. Val held me in his arms and my heart beat went back to normal. "I'm gonna call the producers to let them know I'll need somebody to fill in for me." He said, getting up. "Please do..." I answered. Usually I would've told him that I would've been fine, but not right now. I needed him.
"Okay Miss Johnson, you'll have to do whatever I tell you, for the babies and your chance of survival." Miss Scott tells be as she gets ready. I nod. "Okay on the count of 3, you'll need to push. 1,2,3, push." I did as she said. "Great job." She pauses. "I think we've got a little head coming up !" She says. Val walked to the edge of the bed and looked. He cringed and made me laugh. "Don't make me laugh !" I yell at him, still laughing. "Hold my hand instead." And like that, a few hours later, we were a family of 4.
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