Jenna's POV
"We're finding out the gender of the twins !" I says as I get up. I look over my shoulder to see that Val isn't moving. I walk back to the table and sit down beside him. "What's wrong babe ?" I ask rubbing his back. "Nothing..." he says. "It's just that... We just found out that we're expecting twins and we are already finding out the gender today... It's just going so damn fast." He adds before rubbing my bumps. "These two will be here before we even know..." I push one of his curls on the top of his head and kiss him. "That's why we need to get ready and go to know the gender and find them some names." I say getting up, his hand in mine, before leaving to the bedroom."Jenna Johnson ?" The nurse say asking for me. Like always, both Val and I gets up and she told us the room. I took the clothes on the bed and changed into them before laying down on the bed. Few minutes went by before a young lady, that we haven't seen before, walked in the room. "Hello there Miss Johnson." She says extending her arm in front of me, making me shake it. "I'm Miss Scott. I'll be your new gynaecologist since your last one, Miss Campbell has been transferred to another state." She says. "So here, I have that you're having twins and that you're about 14 weeks, am I right ?" , "Uh, yes..." I add. "Okay perfect ! I'm gonna start the ultrasound now." She tells me, taking her gel tube in her hands. She squirts it on my bump and turn the machine on. "You know that for 14 weeks, you're pretty big ? We could almost think it's quadruplets !" She says. "Yeah, my sisters and mom already told me this." I say letting out a chuckle. Quads... it would be quite a job...
I see, in the corner of my eye, that the gynaecologist lean towards the screen. "How many weeks did Miss Campbell told you you were again ?" She asks. "14, why ?" I add curious. "Oh darling... I— She made a mistake..." I look at Val and take his hand into mine. "You're actually 21 weeks pregnant..." she adds. "That's why you're that big. Instead of being 3 months, going on 4, you're 5 months going on 6." She says. My eyes bulged out of my head. "WHAT ?" I yell. "You have about 19 weeks left. So your due date have changed... You were due on March 28th now it's February 2nd." She adds, talking very slow, making sure I got every word she said. "And the gender ?" I manage to get out after all of this. "Since it's identical twins, it'll either be 2 boys or 2 girls." She adds. "What do you think they are ?" She ask us before proceeding with the ultrasound. "Girls." Val says. I shook my head and laughed. "Well—" she says. "—Seems like Daddy's right !" She said. "You're expecting girls !" I start to cry. Deep down, even though I thought they were boys, I wanted girls. Val lean on top of me a kisses me a few times. "YES !" He says out of enthusiasm.Later that night (Back home)
"Babe ! COME ON !" I yell at Val. I was on my phone looking for babies name and I wanted him to help me. He climbed in the bed and sat right besides me with a bag of chips. I opened my mouth and he fed me one. "So what do you have ?" , "Nothing ! And I don't want names just because they are names, I want them to have meanings... You know ?" I ask him. He nodded. "A meaning like; Wished for child, awaited p, something like that ?" He asks. I look at him. "Yeah. How did you know ?" , "I know you JJ. I just do." He adds before leaving a kiss on the top of my head. "Why don't you google name with these meanings so we'll have a list. It'll be easier this way." He says. Like he told, I google it and click on the first website that popped up. I stop on one of the name and look at Val. He nods at me. "Another one and they will finally have names." I say as I keep scrolling down. Not long after, we had our babies name. Two beautiful ones.
Okay so here are the babies name (Won't tell the first one yet, you'll have to wait and see 😉)
Twin 1 : __________ Elsie J. Chmerkovskiy
Twin 2:___________Ellie J. Chmerkovskiy

Inner demons
FanfictionMonsters are real, and ghosts are too. They live inside of us And sometimes, They win...