Jenna's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night by a horrible abdominal cramp. I turned on the light to discover a puddle of blood around my crotch area. The thing is that I wasn't even supposed to start my period until next week. I grabbed another pair of panties run to the bathroom and put a pad on. I go back into the room and wake Val up. "Val baby, you need to wake up..." I said. "Why..?" I hear him mumble. "My period started and there's blood... everywhere." I say. He sat up and walked to get some sheets from the guest room. During this I putted the dirty sheets in the washing machine. As I poured the detergent, I fell a warm substance going down my legs. I looked down to discover blood, again. I sat down on the toilet and saw that my pad overflowed. "This isn't normal." I tell myself. Usually I'm good for 3 to 4 hours with one of them and it's barely have been an hour. I pull out my phone and Google : heavier menstrual flow than usual. I click on the first link and start to read. One of the reason might be stress. Thinking about it must be it, I've been living nothing but stress lately. I then crawled back into the bed thinking about going to the clinic tomorrow.
Val's POV
I woke up before Jenna this morning. She woke me up in the middle of the night because she had her period and there was blood on the sheets. I didn't made a scene about it, periods are natural. If my mom didn't had her period, I wouldn't be here, and if Jenna don't have her period, we couldn't have kids. I decided to make her some pancakes for breakfast since it's one of her favourite thing to eat. I put all of the things on a tray; pancakes, syrup, strawberries and coffee before walking upstairs and waking her up. I kissed her neck and watched her beautiful big blue eyes open. "Morning my queen." I say before kissing. She rubbed her eyes and then stretched. "Morning..." she answered yawning. She then noticed the tray. "Vaaaal... You shouldn't have !" She answered. "But I love you, and you deserve the best." I said handing her, her breakfast.
I then ran downstairs and also got my pancakes and coffee before joining her for breakfast in bed. "I have to go to the clinic today because of what happened yesterday." She said taking a sip of her coffee. "Why ? Isn't period a normal thing?" I asked confused. "Well, it's heavier than usual and I'm early so better safe than sorry..." she said. Of course I didn't understood a single thing about it... Girl stuff. When we were both done eating, we dressed up and we drove to the clinic.
Jenna's POV
"Miss Jenna Johnson ?" The nurse asked, pulling me out of my thought. "Yes !" I say getting up. "First room on your left." She answered leaving the room. I grabbed my purse and walked to the designated room, Val behind me. I sit down at the desk, Val by my side, and we waited for the doctor. Few minutes later a young lady came in the room and sat down. "Well hello there miss Johnson." She said shaking my hand. "And mister Johnson." She said putting her hand in front of Val. "Chmerkovskiy." He answered shaking her hand. "Sorry, my mistake." She said before continuing on. " So we're gonna start with some question before going on with a few tests." She said. "Okay" , "Are you sexually active?" , "Yes." , "Do you smoke?" , " No." ,"Do you think you could be pregnant ?" , "No... I don't think so." , " So is that a maybe ?" , "No, I'm on my period. It's definitely a no." , "Okay so what's the situation ?" She finally asked. I explained her the whole situation from me cutting my wrist up until yesterday. "Okay so we're gonna make you pass a couple of test and call you back for the results !" She told us. I nodded in agreement before taking the test.
Few days later
I was watching a show and Val was sleeping when I got a phone call. "Hello?" , "Hi miss Johnson ? This is Dr. Smith from the clinic. I've got your results in and I would like you to come over." , "Uh, sure... When ?" , "The sooner the better." , "I'll be there in about half an hour." , "Perfect! Buh-bye." , "Bye..." I walked over Val and kissed him to wake him up. "The results from my tests are in... Do you want to come with me ?" I asked him. "Of course..." He said getting up before grabbing his keys and drove to the clinic.
At the clinic
"Miss Johnson I'd like you to sit down for this one." She told me showing me the chair. " And so do you mister...—" "—Chmerkovskiy." Val said sitting down. "Like I said the results came in and unfortunnalty, not all the results are good one..." she said. Val gently squeezed my hand before kissing it. "Miss Johnson, I'm sorry to tell you this but your fertility level has gone down to about 10%" I felt my heart shattered in tiny pieces. I won't be able to conceive. Tears started to roll down my face so she handed me a box a tissues. "I'm sorry miss Johnson..." , "Thank you.""Jenna talk to me !" Val screamed out of patience. "FOR WHAT VAL ?" I yelled at him, crying. "I won't be able to give you the children you always wanted Val ! If you stay with me, you won't be able to become a dad !" I said throwing my clothes in a suitcase. Val grabbed my wrist and I leaned into his chest crying like a baby. "Hey Bug! I told you to move in yesterday and nothing has change because of these results..." , "But Val—" , "— There's no but ! I'm still in love, head over heels with you Jenna Michelle Johnson. You're Jenna and I'm Val and together we're Valenna... I already told you that I will love you forever no matter what and I still haven't changed my mind!" , "Well you're not the one who's failing at being a human and not be able to conceive !" I yelled at him, again. He cutted me off by a kiss. "You've already proved some statistics wrong Jenna. Like the 28% chance of being alive today and look at you ! Let's prove them wrong again... We'll have beautiful children, running all around the house and when we'll be older we'll both think of this very moment and say, I'm glad we didn't give up. Even if it takes us years to conceive, I'm still gonna make you the mother of my child Jenna. This I promise you." He said before placing a kiss on the top of my head. I sniffed a few times. "Would you help me unpack ?" I asked him. "Of course Bug... I love you." , "I love you too..."

Inner demons
FanficMonsters are real, and ghosts are too. They live inside of us And sometimes, They win...