Chapter 7

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Jenna's POV
The next week
"Take 5." Mandy told us. We were practicing for the opening number for week 4 of So you think you can dance and I didn't feel so well. Val was also helping out. I walked toward him. "Babe you okay ?" He asked. I shook my head, my eyelids were to heavy for my eyes... "Jenna you're really pale..." he said getting closer. I shook my head again, "I really don't feel good at all..." I say leaning into his arms and started to cry. "How much cologne did you put ?" I ask. "Same as usual ?" He said confuse "Well it smells more." I declared before Mandy walked back into the room. "Okay get back in line !" She says. I go back to my spot and start to dance. "5, 6, 7, 8 !" She says. My head is killing me and because of it I trip and fall. "Fuck !" I scream. "Jenna take the day off." She tells me. "I'm fine Mands... Really." , "I wasn't asking Jenna. You need to get better or you'll hurt yourself. If you don't feel great tomorrow, don't come. Take your time." She says before looking at Val. " And you go with her. You know if you leave her alone she'll still practice !" I grabbed my purse and we walked to the car. I fell asleep on the drive home.

I woke up in the middle of the night, cuddle up into Val, not remembering my whole day. I sit up to fast and aval woke up. "What time is it ?" He asks grabbing his phone. I look over him; 4:36. "What happened today ?" I ask him. "We were at the practice and—" , "Yeah, I remember this but, after ?" , " You slept." , "The whole day ?" He nodded. "Oh..." I said. He looked at me. "Do you feel better ?" He asked. "My headaches is gone but I feel sick... Very, very sick." I said making him back up a little. "You're not gonna puke right ?" He asked making me laugh. I shook my head, " I don't think so..." I paused before getting up. "Where are you going ?" He asked. "I ate two toast this morning and that's all, I am STARVING. " I said walking towards the kitchen. I could smell the cinnamon roll through the package. "Ewww." I say looking at them. I open the pantry and look for something to eat. I spot the Taco box on the top shelf and grab it. I get the ground meat and the pan out and start to make the sauce. "Seriously, at 5 A.M ?" Val says making me jump. " I didn't have a dinner !" I say laughing. "And those cinnamon rolls smell really strong ! Are you sure they're still good ?" I ask. He looked at me confused. "We bought them yesterday... And I don't smell anything." I answered. "Really ?" I ask. He nodded before walking close to me. "Can I also get a taco ?" He asks making me laugh. "At 5 A.M ?" I said teasing him. He kissed me. "Okay I'll make you one."

As I walked to the bathroom, I looked at the calendar and saw that I was supposed to be on my period. "Great, I'm late again..." I say sarcastically. "I can never be on my period at the right time ! Either I'm earlier or either I'm late. " I say before letting out a sigh. Then my stomach started to burn because of the Tacos. And I had a urge to puke. I ran directly to the bathroom and I feel like I've vomit my whole stomach. "GOD DAMNIT !" I scream, my head still resting on the toilet bowl. I felt Val's hand gently rubbing my back. I take a few breath and stand up. I could see that Val had something in his head. "What ?" I ask. "Nothing..." he mumble. " Val I know you good enough to see that there's something bothering you." , " No... It doesn't make any sense." He paused before he kept going. "I don't want to give you hope but... Could you be pregnant." I looked at him. I didn't wanted to believe him, in case I wasn't really pregnant. I shook my head. "You're right it doesn't make sense Val !" I screamed at him. He hugged me. "But think about it Jenna ! You're sense of odour is stronger, you have nausea you craved tacos and you're late !" , " VAL ! I'M LATE BECAUSE OF MY PROBLEMS ! I CRAVED TACOS BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAD SOME IN A LONG TIME AND I WAS SICK BECAUSE I HAD  ACID REFLUX !" I yelled crying like a baby. "Stop believing for something you know won't ever happen Val. You knew that I wouldn't be able to give you children and you still wanted to stay with me. Don't make it harder..." I say wiping my cheeks. Val stayed breathless. "Can you at least take a pregnancy test?" , " Val it won't change anything !" , "Please. Do it for me..." I looked at him. He had water in his eyes. "Fine. I'll do it for you. But I'm not buying them..." , "I'll go then." He said leaving the bathroom. "Right now ?" I asked him. "Yes... right now." , "Love you! Be careful..." , "I love you too." He said as he closed the door behind him.

"Babe ! I'm back." I hear from the kitchen.  He walk to me and put the bag on the counter before kissing me. I open the bag and look inside; 2 pregnancy test. "You said one !" I tell him. "The pharmacist told me that it's better to take more than one" I shook my head. "Let's get done with this I said walking to the bathroom. When I'm done I walk back to the living room and sit next to Val. "Now we wait for 5 minutes." I tell him as I open Instagram. I know I can't be pregnant and I don't even want to think about it. It'll just make me sad but I still have this light of hope saying that maybe I could. The timer on my phone goes off and I walk to the bathroom, Val right behind me. I look at the test, facing down. I'm ready to see 2 negative signs starring back at me. I put my hand on the first but I'm not able to flip it. I take a big breath and look at the result. A plus sign ! I flip the other one ; pregnant. "VAL !" I scream. I start to jump and to cry. He grabs the tests out of my hands. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY !" He screams. I nod, still crying. He sit me on the counter and lifts my shirt up before kissing my belly a few times. "I love you Val..." I say as I jump down. "I love you too my queen !"

 "I love you too my queen !"

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