Chapter 8

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Jenna's POV
Few week later
Today I have an ultrasound and I'm so happy ! We already went to 3 of them but we never got had the chance to hear the heart so today is a big day. Also, I don't want to sound like a bitch but luckily, my partner and I were eliminated on So you think you can dance. I didn't want to dance and fall or do to much pushing that could lead to a miscarriage. That's also why I decided to not do the next season of Dancing with the stars neither as a pro or as a troupe member. But I'll still be in the audience cheering for Val though.

I roll on the bed and kiss Val's forehead. "Wake up baby." He pulled me in to cuddle. "Val, we have the ultrasound today ! " He looked at me. "Fuck I forgot about it." , "You have rehearsal don't you..." , "Yes but I'm gonna call somebody and tell them to practice." , "Fuck it Val ! Just go to your stupid rehearsal !" I said storming out of the bedroom into the kitchen. I open the pantry and get the cereal out then I get the milk, a bowl and a spoon. I walk to the living room and put my bowl on my bump like it was a table. Even if I'm only 9 weeks in, my bump is already pretty visible. Val came in not to long after, already dressed up, also with cereals. He sits right besides me but I move a bit further away from him. "Jen..." he says. I get up and go get dress, still ignoring him. I took a lot of time dressing up and doing my hair and makeup, Val didn't even told me goodbye... I walk back to living room to find him watching TV. "Didn't you had rehearsal ?" I ask. "Baby, this might be the only pregnancy we'll ever live and I want to embrace every single bit of it. I called somebody to fill in for me now come on we'll be late !" He say grabbing his car keys.

"Are you gonna come with me to GMA next week for the pros reveal?" He ask me as we stop at red light. "Are planes dangerous for babies ?" I ask. He shrugs. "We'll need to ask the gynaecologist." He says, putting his hand on my bump and keeping it there all ride long.

"Miss Jenna Johnson ?" A nurse ask, making me get up. "Room 39." She says. I take Val's hand and head there. I change into the clothes they've put on the bed and lay down, before reaching back to Val's hand. At the same moment, the doctor come into the room and put some gloves on. After she asked me a couple of questions, she squirts the ultrasound gel on my bump and start the ultrasound. After a few minutes, I realize that her face changed. "Is there anything wrong ?" I ask panicked, squeezing Val's hand. "Miss Johnson" she says. "You're —..."

Short, I know but I uploaded 2 other chapter today and I also wanted it to finish on a cliffhanger. (Mean, I know..😂😂) BUT I won't take long to upload the next part cause it's already almost done! Anyways what do you think happened ?? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Leave your guesses bellow 👇🏼👇🏼 Hope you enjoyed ❤️

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