Val's POV I stretched my arm to lean Jenna towards me and cuddle with her for few before waking up. Weirdly she wasn't there which made me wake up faster. "Jenna ?" I asked. No response. I got up and walked to the bathroom. "Jen ?" I asked as I opened the bathroom door. No sign of her. I go back to the room to put some clothes on before going downstair. I open to closet to find that all of her clothes are missing. "JENNA !" I scream running downstairs. I see a piece of paper hanging on the table. I read it.
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"What?" I whisper to myself. I got up. "JENNA !" I scream at the top of my lungs. I grab my phone and call Witney, Lindsay and Brittany. None of them heard about Jenna, meaning she probably went back to Utah or one of the girl was lying. I trust the girls, they all sounded as panicked as I did. I grabbed my car key and drove to the airport.
"One ticket for Provo, Utah. Your next flight." I ask. "Sorry sir but we only have first class tickets left." , " I don't care I need to get their as soon as possible." , " Okay it'll be 1830 dollars sir." I got my credit card out and paid. I need to find my girl.
Jenna's POV "What's wrong honey? Did Val did something ?" My mom asked me. I shook my head. "No... I — I..." I tried to get some words out but they stayed stuck in my throat. I felt a tear on the corner of my eyes. "I just need some alone time Mom. Thanks for preparing my room." I said, obviously lying. "Okay, just tell me if you need something baby." She said closing my bedroom door behind her. I laid down and looked at the ceiling. Why was god so cruel ? I wanted children, I really did, and so did Val... We both thought we were going to live and happily ever after life when we finally went public but little did we knew, it was only the beginning of this nightmare... "Nothing like the life I dreamed of..." I whispered to myself before walking to my bathroom. I turned on the bath water and stepped into the bath, fully clothed. I didn't thought about showering... I had something else in my mind... I knew I could kill myself, and I wanted to... I had nothing to live for anymore... I struggled to get the blade out of the razor and I finally got it out. I put it on the side of the bath and putted my head under the water for a long time. What if I undressed myself, hit my head and put myself under water ? Maybe it'll look like an accident and make me look a bit less desperate. For how long have I been under water ? A minute ? Maybe more... I hear my parents talking in the living room. Well screaming is a better word. My lungs are burning, wanting some oxygen but I keep my head under water. I'm about to die, I know it. I grab one of the blades and lead it to my skin. Just one last cut and I'll be over with all of this. I press it on my forearm when suddenly two arms grab me and pull me out of the tub. I unintentionally gasp for air. Few more second, that's all I needed. "Jenna baby..." I hear. I could recognize this voice from anywhere. "Val ?" I ask weakly. I open my eyes and see him leaning on top of me. "What are you doing here?" I ask. He didn't answer. I push my arms on the floor and manage to sit down. "Val?" I ask. His back is facing me. I crawl over to him. "Are you crying..?" I ask. He turn face to me and I notice tears on the corner of his eyes. He blinks and one of them fell on his cheek. "Babe... Val, why — why are you crying ?" I ask. "You tried to kill yourself... again." He said putting his arms around me, pulling me toward him for a hug. I realized that he loved me, indeed. " Val I did this for you... Haven't you read the note ?" , "I don't care about kids Jenna ! The only person I want kids with is you and if I can't have them, at least I'll still have you ! I'll still be a happy man because I'll have you by my side. I love you Jenna Michelle Johnson. That's all." He said and looked into his green eyes and leaned for a kiss.
He pushes me on the floor and cupped my left boob with his hand. I let out a quiet moan. I feel his tongue brushing against my neck and it drives me nuts. He removes my soaked clothes and throw them besides us. He lowers his head and suck one of my nipple while playing with the other one. I moan, louder than I should've. He instantly looked at me with big eyes. "Sorry..." I mouthed. He lowered his head again and started to kiss me on my belly getting lower and lower. He arrived at my crotch area and separated my legs from each other. He licked my on started to suck on my clit. I was trying to keep my moans as silent as possible but I failed, making him stop. He alined his penis with my entrance. "Like this, I'll be able to cover your mouth if you too loud." He said pushing hisself into me. I bit my bottom lip before he covered my mouth and started to hit his hips on mine. Every sound we made was covered with the others hand. He finally came into me.
After we had sex, Val and I took a bath together. We relaxed and then we putted our pajamas on. I crawled into the bed and laid my head on his chest. "Val, can I ask you something..?" I asked carefully. He looked down at me. "Of course baby girl. What's bothering you?" He asked. "You said that you and Amber broke up because she wanted kids and you were not ready for this... Then why are we even trying ?" I asked looking down. He lifted my chin up, making me look at him and smiled. "Because I want my kids with you..."'he said. "I'm ready for this Jenna, I'm ready for this with you." , " You know I might not be able to though..." , " Yeah, and I don't care because I'm in love with you. And if we can't have our own kids, we'll adopt. It's not more difficult than this... I want that the people calling me Dad also calls you Mom. That's all I'm asking. Us against the world." He said not leaving my eyes at all. I stretched my neck and kissed him. "You know I love you Valentin ?" , " Yes, and I love you even more Jenna Michelle..."
The next day "Good morning!" I said yawning, walking in the kitchen. Nobody answers. "Well Good morning to you Jenna ! Did you sleep well last night ?" I let out sarcastically. "Well you must've slept really good after Val banged you." My brother Skyler said before taking a sip of his coffee. "Yeah right..." I said trying to act it out. I cut 2 bagels in halves and put them in the toaster. I feel to hands hugging me from behind. "Good morning my love." He whispers into my ear. " So where was it ? In the bed, the tub or even on the floor ?" Skyler ask. I looked at him angry. "What ?! You need to be more quiet if you don't want us to ear you ! What are you gonna do when you'll have kids ? Traumatize them ?" My face went white. I looked over at Val before running to my room. I jumped in my bed and started to cry. Why Val wasn't with me ! I stop and take some big breaths. I'm not letting this happen to me. I won't have another panic attack. Slowly, I feel my heart beat going back to normal... "I did it.." I whisper proudly to myself. As the same moment, Val walked in with eggs, bacon, orange juice and the bagel I abandoned in the toaster. "Breakfast..." He said handing me the tray. I smiled. "Thank you..."
After I was done eating I decided to tell my parents and may brother why I stormed off like that. I ask them to sit down and I grab Val's hand. He kisses the top of it and smiled to me. "Okay so... Last week, I decided to go to the clinic and they passed me some test because of abdominal cramps and period stuff. Few days ago, the results came in and..." I stop and start to cry. Val pulls me in for a hug. He rests his head on top of mine until I'm able to speak again. "... Turn out I'm only 10% fertile. Meaning the conception of a baby is difficult even almost impossible..." I start to cry again but I wipe my tear almost instantly. "So that's why I'm kinda sensitive to the word kids and that's why I stormed off like that after you said that I'll be having kids Sky, because we're not even sure if this ever will happen..." I finally say. I feel Val gently squeezing my hand. I look at him and smile. 2 weeks ago, I was in a coma. Yesterday I almost killed myself, for the 2nd time in my life and today, I have one more thing off of my shoulders. I'm with my family and the man of my dreams. I couldn't ask for better ! Except maybe a baby...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay so in this chapter there's few hints about what will happens next (maybe not the next chapter but something kinda close...) Leave your guesses in the comment 👇🏼👇🏼 ! Hope you enjoyed ! 😘😘❤️