59| Simon

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Imagine: You were vlogging your day for your channel because you had run out of ideas, Simon calls you and says that he has something to show you

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Imagine: You were vlogging your day for your channel because you had run out of ideas, Simon calls you and says that he has something to show you. You thought it was something serious because it was late at night and he didn't really bother you at this time but still you got out of your bed and grabbed your camera to vlog after just ending your video and decided to fi what he wanted to show you, you slipped on one of his hoodies over your pyjamas after getting out of your bed grabbing your car keys and house keys while leaving the house. You shortly arrived at Simon's and opened the door to see Josh walking out of the kitchen with two drinks and some food which could only mean Freya was here as well.
"Y/N what are you doing here?" He asked
"Simon called saying that he had something to show me." You said
"Well you're in for a a surprise." Josh laughed a little as you both walked up the stairs. You shouted hello Freya as you walked up the final set of stairs; you knocked on his bedroom and walked into his room to see Simon with his hood up and editing his videos.

"What was so important that you had to call me at half past nearly quarter to three in the morning Si?" You asked while Vlogging, he didn't say anything he just took down his hood to reveal his red hair which you wasn't happy about the first time that he did it.
"The red headed lesbian is back." He joked
"Why would you do this again?" You asked
"I got sent it in a PO box opening"
"Yeah but that doesn't mean you have to use it." You sighed a little
"You don't like it do you?" He asked, you then zoomed in on his hair and said
"I didn't like it the first time you did it."
"Sorry." He laughed a little
"I'm actually debating whether to break up with you or not." You said seriously trying to make Simon nervous, you then ended the vlog with no outro which then made Simon know that you were 'being serious.'

"Are you actually being serious?" He asked
"I am, I don't think I can do this I was actually going to tell you tomorrow I'm just not feeling the same way I was when we first started dating." You lied
"I mean I can't force you to love me and if this is how you feel then okay." You could hear and see the actual pain and sadness in his eyes,
"Yeah look I'm going to go." You said
"I'll walk you out." Simon said as he went to stand up from his gaming chair but you stopped him
"It's probably for the best if you don't Simon, I'll see you around." You said as grabbed your camera and walked to the door trying not to laugh. As you walked out of his room and closed the door behind you, you instantly heard Simon break down into tears and that's when you felt bad so you walked back in.

"You didn't actually think I would break up with you over this right?"
"I-I don't understand?" Simon sniffled
"I'm kidding Si, I wouldn't throw away eight years over a stupid hair dye thing, I waited outside the door and I could hear you crying I felt so bad." You explained as you walked closer to him
"Thank God! I honestly thought you didn't love me anymore." He sighed, you reached for Simon's face with you sleeve and wiped away his tears
"That would never ever happen I will never stop loving you even if you stop loving me." You smiled at him as you hugged him tightly nuzzling your head into his chest
"I would never stop loving you Y/N that's impossible." He said to you. You then looked up and kissed him sweetly "stay here tonight?" He asked you innocently
"Course." You smiled as you walked over to Simon's bed and got in waiting for him to finish editing; Simon then came over and lied down with you putting his arms around your waist pulling you closer to his bare chest and  feeling his shorts on against your legs. You smiled to yourself realising how lucky you were to have Simon
"What are you smiling about?" He asked
"Just you." You replied as you drifted off to sleep.

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