51| Simon pt2

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Imagine: After your argument with Simon when he went on a date with another girl you hadn't spoke to each other in a few weeks and out of nowhere he calls you just before he starts to record a video for his channel

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Imagine: After your argument with Simon when he went on a date with another girl you hadn't spoke to each other in a few weeks and out of nowhere he calls you just before he starts to record a video for his channel.
"What do you want Simon?" You asked
"To talk that's all I just want to explain, because you didn't let me do that." He says to you seriously; you sigh and agree to his explanation
"You had been gone for two months I thought we were over, you hadn't called me or texted me saying anything we had no contact for two months so I thought that was your way of saying that we were over."
"Don't lie Simon! I left you hundreds of texts and calls saying how much I missed you and how I wanted to come home but you never replied to me!"
"Stop lying to cover yourself up and make me look like the bad person here!" He shouted at you down the phone
"I'm not! I honestly did send you those texts, I'll prove it." You then scrolled to the messages and screenshotted them and then sent them to Simon and how many calls you had led him so you could prove your innocence.
"I never got any of those messages Y/N" Simon told you.

"Maybe it was your girlfriend." You say bluntly
"Don't talk about Olivia like that and anyway she's not even my girlfriend I've literally seen her three times that's it."
"Oh so she has a name? Well I'm happy for you Simon!" You snap
"Don't be like this Y/N" Simon sighed in defeat
"Be like what? I just give up on life Simon." You sighed in sadness
"What do you mean?" He asked me
"My dad died while I was away Simon."
"I'm sorry Y/N I didn't know." He said
"Well you didn't need to, that's why I came home because I wanted to be with you. But you had already moved on, do you know how much that hurt to see the person that you had fallen in love with to be with someone else?" You asked but Simon just stayed silent.
"I just give up Simon I lost my dad and I didn't want to lose you because at that moment you were the only good thing in my life that made me want to carry on with everything." You explained
"I'm so sorry about that Y/N, look I'll come round and we can talk about this and see if there is anything left."
"It's fine you're with someone else you don't need to force something with me out of pity that clearly isn't there." You sniffled since you had been crying
"I'm not doing this out of pity I want to re salvage what we had Y/N because I miss you so much, so please let me come round?" He asked you
"Fine just come over." You said to Simon, you were about to hang up when Simon said your name
"I love you" when he said that you smiled a little to yourself and it made you feel a whole lot better.
"I love you too." You replied

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