58| Calfreezy

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Imagine: Walking through the flat door in front of Cal while you both carry your bags because you had just come back from Cal's YouTube break/ Holiday

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Imagine: Walking through the flat door in front of Cal while you both carry your bags because you had just come back from Cal's YouTube break/ Holiday. You put the bags down in the hall and as you go and hang your coat up you see the Cal has already gotten his vlogging camera out.
"Well we're back and hopefully for good, I'm not planning on taking another break again and well-" while Cal was talking you jumped into shot and smiled at the camera brightly; Cal smiled and put his arm around your shoulder
"As I was saying I'm not taking another break because Y/N here is feeling a lot more confident and happier with herself after all the hate that she got." Cal told his viewers,

"Yeah so thanks to you lot I feel much better you all made me realise that I have flaws everyone does there is no hiding that. But you pointed mine out for the rest of the world to see so I just want to thank every single one of you for that(?!)" You said sarcastically
"As you can see Y/N is still upset and bitter about the whole thing." Cal said
"Those words don't even cover it." You said as you walked out of shot and walked into the living room to sit down on the sofa. Not long after that Cal finished vlogging and joined you on the sofa; he pulled you into his chest so you could cuddle together.
"I love you." You said to him
"I love you too." He smiled down at you after he kissed you lightly and sweetly.

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