65| Tobi pt 2

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Imagine: you were walking round London doing some Christmas shopping just getting some last little things to go with the presents that you had gotten for your family and friends

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Imagine: you were walking round London doing some Christmas shopping just getting some last little things to go with the presents that you had gotten for your family and friends. Christmas used to be the best time of year for you and you always waited for it too come around because you would always spend it with Tobi and his family who you absolutely adored but since you and Tobi had been broken up for about four months Christmas this year was something that you didn't really want to be involved with. While you were walking round London you had just walked out of a little arts and crafts shop as and you looked down the road you saw Tobi walking and laughing with a girl by his side. She kissed his lips and departed away from him with a few bags in her hands you took a sharp in hale from the pain of witnessing the kiss; you were staring at Tobi and directly in his direction he saw you staring and started to walk over to you.

When he came over he was dressed in his usual attire which was a snap back hat which happened to be a Sidemen hat to go with his hoodie as well, as he got closer to you, you could feel your heartbeat picking up and getting quicker and quicker due to the panic of seeing him after both of you being away from each other for so long.
"Y/N." He said quietly and a little awkwardly
"Hi Tobi, Merry Christmas." You said
"Merry Christmas look Harriet and I-"
"Tobi you don't need to explain yourself to me you're happy with her and have clearly moved on. Of course I will always love and care for you but I'm no longer the most important person in your life anymore you have someone new to look after and love and that's okay." You sighed with a slight smile
"Why are you so understanding?" He asked with a little smile
"Because you taught me to be." You smiled as you gave him a hug before you both departed ways "say hello to your family for me." You said quickly, Tobi nodded in response before you both carried on going your separate ways, you turned around briefly to see Tobi and Harriet holding hands walking past all the shops and you just smiled at them both a small and sharp tears prickles in the corner of your eye.

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