48| Josh

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Imagine: Josh and you going on a date and because you were running late you texted Josh about it

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Imagine: Josh and you going on a date and because you were running late you texted Josh about it. You then got a notification on Instagram saying that 'Zerkaahd is live!' So while you were on the bus you watched his live stream.
"Hey guys I know this is vey random of me but I'm meant to be on a date with Y/N but she texted me saying that she would be late. Typical! She's always late to everything I'll have to start getting her to leave an hour early so she can get places on time, because right now I'm sat in a very posh restaurant getting dirty looks from the people around me because I'm on my own and not only that I'm now talking to my phone so everyone can basically hear me and they must think I'm a weirdo." Josh says to his fans.

You laugh to yourself as you got off the bus and walk into the restaurant to see Josh still live streaming. You sit down in front of him and raise one eyebrow
"Alway late am I?" You say
"Well you are" be replied back to you
"Josh I've been late once, twice if you count this on." You laugh a little
"Well Y/N is here now and only twenty minutes late , see I emphasised on the twenty." He says to you
"Oh I noticed. Now are you going or stop live streaming so we can have our date or not?" You asked him
"Okay well I guess this has been fun guys see you later." Josh says as he ends the stream and puts his phone away. You start to shake your head at Josh slowly which confuses him
"What?" He asked you
"Just you." You reply to Josh while you both wait for the waiter to come and take your orders of what you would like to eat tonight.

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