Red Riding Train

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A loud screeching of metal was heard together with the panicked cries of the passengers when the train didn't stop at the next terminal. Terror was brewing as one by one the passengers tried to reach the front of the vehicle as to try to find out what caused this.

Red who was busy with her own world only took notice when she saw that there were only three of them remaining there, mainly a man, a woman, and herself.

Muffled scream were heard before a sudden silence.

Red finally put down her book to bob her head to the side fixing her glasses as to see what was going on.

"Did you hear that?" the woman stated while grabbing unto the man's arm.

She couldn't help but snort at the reaction, basing on her observation the two were lovers though the man was around 60 years old while the woman was probably around 20 or younger.

She immediately returned her attention to the front when the whole place started shaking, it was obvious that the train was losing its hold on the rails because of the continuing speed.

The woman shrieked when it didn't stop wobbling, they were all forced to move to the front rail car to see for themselves what happened only to stop once more upon the sight.

The woman screamed with all her might, while the man's eyes grew large, all Red can do was to hold her mouth shut.

Blood and what seems to be the remains of human entrails was scattered all over the place, the crimson liquid was still dripping from the roof and the sides showing that the horror that had happened there was still fresh.

Red had no time to assess the situation, the train started to shake again this time in a stronger zigzag manner.

"We have to stop this train!" Red shouted to his two companions.

"How?" the man asked.

Annoyed at the incompetence of the man, Red ventured further to the front to reach the locomotive, grumbling as she walked. But before open the rail cars door they all heard a loud screeching sound, when they looked up, huge claws were peering from the outside, it was pulling the carts roof, tearing it off as if it was just paper.

Two fiery orbs looked straight at them, saliva dripping on its mouth full of sharp teeth.

"It's here!" the man shouted.

Before any of them could move the beast jumped down, the shock of its landing caused all of them to stumble to the ground.

"It's a werewolf!" the woman shouted before being pounced by the eight foot tall creature.

Red managed to jump to the side to avoid the two, the woman and the beast were rolling on the floor, clawing and struggling at one another's hold. The two ended up getting thrown out when they hit the half open door.

"Lucilla!" the man shouted in horror.

Red immediately looked out the window, from behind them the two seemed to still be in the midst of struggle, when she looked at their front that was when she felt panic, the train was heading straight for the cliff towards the broken rail.

"We need to get off now!" she immediately pulls the man to his feet, pulling him unto to the broken door.

"The train is too fast!" the man implied.

"We have no choice!" she shouts.

In one fell swoop Red pulled the man as she jumped off the runaway vehicle. Both of them fumbling about as they both hit the ground. When she looked at the train it was already falling to its demise.

"Lucilla!" the man shouted at the horizon while limping back from where they came from.

Though in pain from the fall Red immediately stood up to follow the man, after almost half an hour of walking they arrived at the place where the woman and the werewolf had fallen.

Red could not stop but look in terror as there were now two monsters in front of them.

The eight foot tall beast was now face to face with a much smaller yet terrifying creature, both beast were full of gashes and scratches.

The other being looked like mix of a bat and a woman, its arms had wing like flaps and was as long as its body, the skin was pale, ears pointy and its eyes were pure black, it bared its two long fangs at the werewolf whom was getting ready to pounce once more.

"Halt!" the man shouted while raising his arms.

In that instance the werewolf was unable to move freely, so the bat like creature immediately pinned down its adversary.

"Lucilla kill it now!" the man shouted.

A loud bang was heard before the monstrous bat like Lucilla was also unable to move, a dart was sticking on its shoulder, paralyzing it. In that moment the werewolf quickly grabbed it's head and in one quick bite snapped off the immobilize fiend.

"No!" the man screamed in fury as the bat like woman started to crumble, slowly turning to ash.

"Freeze!" Red shouted while pointing her Silver Magnum at the man.

The man slowly turned his head towards her, eyes now glowing bright green was glaring at her,

"You!" he stated with gritted teeth.

"Levi Abramelin, you are under arrest for violating section 666 of the underworld code." Red shouted still pointing her gun at the man.

"Levitos!" the mans voiced echoed.

"Kyaaaaa!" Red screamed when she went flying a few meters away, her gun flung to the side upon hitting the ground. Eyes squinting she couldn't help but grumble at the pain of her back.

"Graaaaaaah!" Levi Abrameling yelled in pain.

When Red opened her eyes, there was sheer panic on her face as the wolf was already devouring the man, munching him piece by piece.

"No!" She shouted all the while trying to stand up.

Though limping she moved as fast as she could toward the dismembered man, but too late to save his life, Levi Abramelin was already mutilated to the point that he was unrecognizable.

In sheer anger she slapped the face of the huge man dog. The beast immediately stood up, rising to its full height, eyes glaring at her.

"Lucian Corvin I swear if you do this again we are through!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, hand clutch, shaking at the sheer anger she was feeling.

The werewolf's went to crawling position, ears flopped down while eyes where full of remorse, making whining sounds because of the inability to talk.

"I told you that I could have handled them by myself!" Red scolded once more at the now closing in beast.

Lucian, still unable to speak, just kept making whining sounds as if in an apologetic manner, his snout trying to reach Reds face.

"What am I supposed to tell the chief this time! " Red snaps back at the huge mutt with a quick slap to its face, the eight foot tall beast could only do was lower its head.

"Am I supposed to say that my overly protective fiancée just couldn't stay put and let me do my job, because he thinks that I couldn't handle a vampire and warlock" Red quickly turns her back at the now howling beast.

"Oh don't you dare try that on me Lucian! You're sleeping on the couch tonight" Red scolds the werewolf.

Her arms crossed face frowned at the sheer annoyance of her fiancées action, Red Valkenheim, an officer of the underworld investigative unit, still has a lot to learn with her current status. It seems that no matter what she does or how she does it, she is basically stuck with her beloved and overly protective werewolf boyfriend named Lucian Corvin.

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