you awake

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When he opened his eyes
I hugged Marcus and he hugged back
R: im so sorry i should of believed you if i let u talk to me none of this would of happened
M: its okay baby
After a while we got to go home Marcus came over to my place
R: hey Marcus
M: yea
R: i love you
M: i love you more
We cuddled all night Marcus went home i woke up alone of course i went down stairs with just a bra and panties i was cooking breakfast and someone knocked in the doir and i opened the door and i looked down and saw me still in panties and a bra i went to run but Marcus pulled me back
M: dont worry it is just me i can hide you
Marcus hugged me and came inside and closed the door with his foot without breaking the hug he pushed me against the door and started kissing me and then my fire alarm went off
M: what
R: my breakfast
Me and Marcus ran into the kitchen and saw the stove on fire and Marcus put the fire out
R: what would i have done if you weren't here
M: idk
I went upstairs and changed into some comfy shorts and shirt and went downstairs and watched a movie with Marcus then we heard the doorbell ring and i opened the door and saw...
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