what happened

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We made love then we got redressed and went downstairs and got drunk i fell asleep somewhere idk where i woke up and saw a whole bunch of people around me on the couch
R: what the fuck happened
L: ahhhh
R: Lucas what happened
L: i don't know
I went to get up and i fell onto Lucas's lap
L: owwww
R: sorry Lucooo
L: it's okay
R: where's Marcus
L: i don't know
R: can you help me
L: with what
R: getting everyone out of here
Everyone left
R: Lucas take me to my bed please
L: okay anything else
R: find Marcus
Lucas carried me to my bed and laid me down Lucas came back up and said he found him sleeping in the guest room
L: want me to wake him up
R: nah
L: what do you want to do
R: movie
L: let's do it
Me and Lucas watch some movies and the door opened
M: what's going on in here
R: we are watching a movie
Marcus came over and climbed on the bed and laid his head on my lap
R: owwwwwww
M: what
R: it hurts
M: huh
Marcus laid his head on my lap again
R: owwwwwww
M: oh
L: what
R: yeah what are you ohhhhing about
M: you don't remember
R: no Marcus I got drunk
M: I'm sorry I went too hard on you
R: what
L: oh my God you guys did it
R: what
M: sure did
I rolled over to hide my face from them because I was so embarrassed and then someone jumped on the back of me
R: owww
M: oh sorry
R: it's okay my Little Panda
Marcus turned me around and kissed me
L: ew
M: what
L: get a room
R: you're in my room Luco
We all started laughing and then Lucas went to one of the guest rooms and he went to go clean all the stuff up and me and Marcus went to sleep I woke up two boys yelling
R: Marcus
M: yes baby girl
R: why you causing so much Ruckus
M: me and Lucas just playing around
R: alright I love you
M: I love you more
Marcus came over to me he shut the door and then he laid in my bed and we cuddled and went back to sleep and soon Lucas went back to sleep too

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