Crush (Request)

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Now this isn't an actual chapter related to this book. As many of you know this book ended but someone requested so I had to. This chapter is dedicated to @SheradonMccray :)

Kennedy's pov//

I was walking down my hall like normal, I heard there was supposed to be this really hot dude that just transferred. Not gonna lie my interest is peaked but I know I won't date this unknown guy.

My true love is this guy called Marcus, we used to be friends until he started to bully me for some uknown reason.

I continued to walk to my class with my books in my hands until I bumped into someone really hard and fell right on my ass.

Marcus's pov//

I just transferred from another school! Yes this is like the 5th school I have transferred to, all because I am looking for a girl to be exact. I know it sounds stupid but I always loved her and I made a HUGE mistake.

I continued to walk down the hall until I bumped into someone, the fell and hit the floor very hard causing me to look down in shock, but before I could start to say anything they started to yell.

"What the hell man? Watch where you are going!" The girl screamed at me but I was to busy looking at her beautiful face, before shock came over me.

Before I could do anything she got up and left leaving me in utter confusion, what happened to her?

Well right now I could not dwell on it because I had to find my class, I just hoped I would have her in the same class.

Kennedy pov//

I was sitting in my math class doodling in my notebook that was supposed to be filled with math, but instead with doodles.

The door slammed open reveling a tall guy with hazelnut eyes that made all the girls swoon over his handsomeness, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Of course the emo wouldn't be interested. Oh right even if she did she wouldn't have a chance," The blonde hair girl teased. "Shut the fuck up Monica at least I'm not a hoe!"

"Alright class settle down! We have a new student let him introduce himself," The teacher said sternly.

"Hello I'm Marcus Dobre I'm glad to be here!" He said smiling looking directly at me causing me to roll my eyes.

Class went by pretty fast, but Marcus kept staring at me so when the bell rang I hurried to be the first one out. I also made it to my locker before I was stopped by no other than Marcus.

"Hey I heard there's a party are you going?" Marcus patiently waited for my answer but I simply just tried to walk away.

"I just wanna be friends you don't have to walk away," The senior said pouting. "Really because you bullied me in middle school," I snapped back walking away.


It was now lunch time and I was in the janitors closet. Doing what you may ask, well I am currently fucking Kennedy so hard right now, she had he butt stuck out and the rest of her body squished against the wall. Don't ask how it happened, it is all a blur to be honest.

"F-Fuck...harder," Kennedy whined pushing her ass back harder against my dick. My hand came down harshly on her ass as I started to pound into her harder causing her to let out a cry.

I stop and she let's out a whine of displeasure "be quiet slut!" Another harsh smack came down on her ass.

I started to leave love bites on her chocolate skin while thrusting harshly making her bite her lip to keep quiet, well quite enough so teachers won't here.

We have been fucking for about 30 minutes and we heard the bell ring signaling luch was over and it was time to go back to class.

"F-Fuck," I cursed out, I don't wanna stop because the pleasure feels so good but we have class. Kennedy must've read my mind because she whispered trying not to let out a loud moan "d-dont stop!"

I started snapping my hips at an unrealistic speed causing Kennedy's moans to get louder. "I-Im a-almost," she moaned out.

I stopped briefly to turn her around so she was facing me and I was holding her while fucking her into a wall.

She let out a loud cry "cumming!" I continued to fuck her even after she had cum, I needed to release.

This continued for about 20 more minutes filled with loud moans and cry, we both finally came. I quickly pulled out of her and let her pull her pants up along with mine.

I give her a passionate kiss before whispering " I'm gonna marry you," leaving her flushed.

In love with my bestfreind(Marcus fanfic)✔Where stories live. Discover now