My babys sick😖😖

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I woke up and saw Marcus hugging my waist i went to move his hands and when I touched his hand it was hot I got worried so I slipped out of his arms and went downstairs and grabbed the thermometer I went back upstairs and saw Marcus on his stomach sleeping I went over and turned him around he groaned in pain
R: I'm sorry baby
He put his hands on his stomach again
R: open your mouth babyboy
He opened his mouth and I took his temputure he had a fever so I turned up the ac I was about to leave when I heard Marcus speak
M:  please stay I need you babygirl
R:  all u had to was ask
I went and sat on the bed he put his head on my lap once more he groaned  in pain he groped my waist as he felt pain
M:  I'm sorry that u have to take care of me
R:  really it's no problem because I love you and you would do the same for me
I rubbed his bare back and played with his hair he fell asleep on top of me I kissed his nose and gently layed his head on the pillow I went downstairs and I was thinking to myself how much I love Marcus and how I couldn't wait until this baby comes then I felt someone grabbing my waist
R: I wonder who is hugging me
He kissed my neck I turned around and saw him staring at me
R: u need rest so go
I walked Marcus upstairs and cuddled in bed and we fell asleep...

In love with my bestfreind(Marcus fanfic)✔Where stories live. Discover now