The ending

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Hi! Guys do you remember my family? Oh well it has been a couple years since i had the twins boys. But there is something new that happened me and Marcus got MARRIED we had a cute little wedding of course our little boy were there and of course all of Marcus's family was there more like they we playing with the babys well after me and Marcus got married amd went on our honeymoon i ended up pregnant again 9 months i had a babygirl Zachary and Zane are now 3 and Emily is 1 Marcus loves the kids to death Lucas and his girlfriend loves to come over and play with the kids so does his parents and the rest of his brother we moved into a bigger house and we have been living a happy life we got through all the drama and now we have three beautiful kids and don't forget my handsome husband 😘

Guys this is officially the end of this book hope you guys enjoyed this book love you guys ❤😘

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