You were too loud

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I woke up and I saw Marcus staring at me
R: what's wrong babyboy
M: nothing your just too beautiful
R: do you wanna watch a movie with Lucas
M: why do you wanna watch a movie with him
R: Marcus...
M: what
R: we're just beat friends nothing else
M: why do you wanna watch a movie with him
R: so we can all hang out
M: okay
We took a shower together and got dressed
We went to the twins house we watched a movie the boys got hungry so we paused the movie and went in the kitchen
L: I know yesterday was valentines day but y'all were loud
R: huh
L: you guys having sex
M: oh ummm
I hid behind Marcus cause I was so embarrassed then Lucas started doing noises
M: Lucas what are you doing
M: Lucas stop
R: please stop Lucas
We all sat down and I sat by Marcus and hid my face in his chest i smelt his strong cologne with every breath I took soon after the movie we went home
R: that was embarrassing
M: what
R: about Lucas doing them noises
M: I'm not
R: what
M: embarrassed
R: why
M: because I did it with the best girl on earth
R: well I did it with the best boy on earth
Marcus gently kissed me
M: I love my babygirl
R: I love you more
I jumped on the bed and saw Marcus run after me
R: Marcus
M: yea
R: do you think that I was too loud
M: no
R: are you sure
M: yep
R: let's cuddle
M: if course
We got underneath the covers and me and Marcus cuddled i love him warmth
R: I love you
M: I love you more
We kissed and we fell asleep...
                        Authors note
Guys thank you for reading this new chapter find out what happens in the next  chapter i hoped you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to like and comment i love you guys and peace

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