Telling the family

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Marcus opened the door and then Cyrus, Darius, Lucas came Marching though the door and they came running to me especially Lucas Marcus just stood there with his mouth open Lucas came and jumped on me and Cyrus and Darius hugged me like normal people
M: be careful
Marcus looked a little jealous not to mention he looked way more than jealous he went upstairs
R: ummm guys
L: yea
R: can you get up please
C: of course
I got up and started walking up the stairs
D: where you going
R: just stay here
C&D&L: okay
I went up stair and heard him on the bathroom
R: baby...
M: yea
R: why did you come up here
M: oh no reason
R: babyy
M: yea
R: tell me
M: n-no
R: tell me babyboy
He went over to my bed and put his face in his hands i went over and stood in front of him i grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands from his face i put his hands on my waist then i sat on him then i went closer to his ear and whispered
R: babyboy why would i hurt you or cheat on you
I slowly started to kiss his neck then he kinda pushed me away
M: because you don't love me
R: okay if i didn't love you would i do this
M: w-
I pushed him roughly down on the bed i kissed him hard i put my hand up his shirt i felt all around his abs i kissed his neck softly
R: i love you so damn much Marcus don't ever doubt that
M: i love you more
R: there is no reason for me to cheat on you i have the best boyfriend ever and im having this beautiful baby with him
M: damn i can't stop loving you
R: time to go tell your family
M: our family
We shared a sweet short passionate kiss we went Downstairs
R: okay guys we have something to tell you
C: what is it
L: ooooo
D: tell us now
R&M: we're pregnant
C&D&L: no wayyyy
The boys all started to jump around
They all settled down we sat on the couch Marcus sat on one side of me and Lucas on the other side Marcus pulled me on his lap i knew he was jealous because he never pulls me on him we finished the movie and they went home Marcus looked a little sad i got up and made him dinner  it was his favorite dinner i washed the dishes i led him up to the bathroom i took off all his clothes and filled up all of the bathtub and put him in it then i took off my close and sat in between his legs i kissed lips softly i washed his beautiful hair and then washed his beautiful body
M: damn i love you
R: i love you more
We got out i dressed Marcus and Marcus dressed me and he went to the bed and layed down i went and jumped on him
M: baby u could hurt the baby
R: not by that babyboy
M: ok but that hurt
R : oh sorry baby
M: its fine babygirl
I rolled off him and kissed him we cuddled and went to sleep...

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