The crash

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I woke up and saw Marcus holding his stomach
M: babbbygirrrl
R: yea
M: im hungry
R: ok ill go get you something to eat
I took a quick shower and got in my car as i was driving across the road every road was clear when everything went black i woke up my vision was blurry i saw a man and a woman doing poking me with needles
R: m-m-marcus
???: stay with us
Everthing went black
           Marcus pov//
I got dressed and started to watch the news i saw their was a crash on the road Rose takes to get to the store i then looked closer it was her car then i called her cellphone then they pulled a girl out of the car i looked and saw it was her i calles Lucas and told him and he told my brothers i drove as fast as i could i ran into the hospital i saw her getting taken into surgery i tried to run and get to her but all of my brothers held me back
* skip a few hours *
My mom and dad came i hugged my mom me and Lucas were crying together hugging eathother our mother bought us food
D: bro you need to eat
M: no
L: bro he's right Rose wouldn't want this
C: she wouldn't want this if not for us do it for her
M: ok
I slowly ate my food and went to sleep my mom kept trying to talk to me and tell she is gonna be okay but i kept looking down then i took out my phone and went on Instagram and went on her profile and looked through all of her pictures then i went to my gallery and look at all of our pictures together and the one's i took of her she looked so beautiful then the doctor came out and said
Do: ok your baby i-
M: wait what
Do: Rose is pregnant
M: oh my
Do: the baby is fine
M: what about Rose
Do: she is resting right now you can go see her
M: ok
I went to her room and sat by her then....
                    Authors note
Hey guys i hope you enjoyed this chapter pls dont forget to vote and comment i love you guys and you guys are best and peace

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