Im not in the mood

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I woke up and saw Marcus by me i got a quick shower and saw Marcus
M: hey
R: hey baby
Usually Marcus always says hey beautiful or Goodmorning beautiful I was kinda of sad but I brushed it off I went  downstairs and sat and watched tv  and soon saw Marcus coming down and he was  on his phone he sat next to me he started to watch tv  I could tell their was something wrong but I wasn't sure what it was I got on him and tried to kiss him but he moved his face  
R:   whats wrong babyboy   
M: I'm not in the mood
R: oh okay
I went to the bathroom and acted like I was using the toilet but I was crying but not too loud and I flushed toilet and washed my hands and washed my face and wiped it so it looked like I didn't cry I went back out and acted like noting was wrong then he went upstairs
          Marcus's pov//
I went upstairs and  cried because I miss her but I felt weird like inside i felt sick and i don't want her to get sick because what I'm going through is enough for me but i don't want to cause her pain my head hurts and every part of my body i went downstairs
Rose pov//
Marcus came and sat down and tried to kiss me but i rejected him
M: what
R: im not in the mood
He got up and started to walk upstairs i noticed their was something unusual about his walk and when he went upstairs he was holding the rail he never does that then i remembered about him carrying me around for a couple weeks and helping me with every thing btw my ankle is not broken it healed i ran upstairs and saw him slid down in the corner
R: why didn't you tell me you were sick and hurting
M: i didn't want you to be worried about me
R: baby i always worrie about you
I helped him up he groaned in pain i sat him on the bed and plugged in the heating blanket and put him under it he grabbed me and pulled me on him
R: i love you so much
M: i love you more...                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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