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The doctor came out and said that he was okay and then Marcus started to fall me and his brothers caught him then he passed out the doctor rushed him into a room they wouldn't let anyone back there i started to cry
* skip a couple of hours*
I asked for Marcus's clothes they gave me his clothes i put on his hoodie and i fell asleep to Marcus's scent i woke up to his brothers shaking me we went into Lucas's room and i sat on the couch
L: aren't you happy to see me
R: of course i am
L: you could at least show it
Dari: bro umm
L: what
I started to cry harder
C: Marcus is in the hospital
L: what
R: h-he passed out
L: oh
I cryed harder if that was even possible
L: hey im sorry
R: its okay
I was squeezing Marcus's clothes and i fell asleep i woke up and saw i was in Marcus's room
I went to hug him but he pushed me away
M: You little slut you don't deserve me
R: w-what
M: i don't love you i hate you
R: y-you
M: were over you little slut ass bitch
I ran out and started to cry something was shaking me
I woke up
Dari: Rose are you okay
I looked around and heard my breathing was uneven
R: y-yea i j-just
L: just what
R: had a nightmare
C: about what
R: M-Marcus
The doctor came in the room
D: all right you'll be released soon
R: what about Marcus
D: he is resting you can see him
I jumped up and ran fast the fastest i ever ran i got his room. And saw him laying there i started to cry harder i went and sat on the on the couch i layed down and fell sleep
Marcus pov//
I woke up and saw Rose sleeping on the couch i got up and went over to her and sat on the couch
Rose pov//
I felt someone on me i got up and turned over and saw Marcus i kissed him he woke up
M: babygirl your eyes are reder then before why
R: I've been crying over you
M: im sorry
R: its okay baby
M: any news on Lucas
R: oh uh yea
M: what
R: he woke up
M: really
R: yea
M: thats good
R: yea but aren't you suppose to be in bed
M: but i wanted to sleep with you R: okay i will sleep with you on the bed
I took he over to the bed
* skip a few days *
Marcus got out today and i helped him get dressed we went home and Marcus drug me to my room and we cuddled on the bed
R: i love you so much
M: i love you more
We shared a kiss long and passionate and we fell asleep...

In love with my bestfreind(Marcus fanfic)✔Where stories live. Discover now