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  • Dedicated to Victoria Farinas

My grandfather died on May third, 2009. The doctors said that it was from natural causes. I think he was just tired of this crappy world. His nurse had tried to wake him but he never awoke. A total of 4 people came to his funeral, his daughter (my mother), one of his sons, myself, and the pastor. His nurse didn't even want to come. He was just that kind of person. He had no friends and pushed even his family away. He was a bitter old man and hated everything and everyone that had to cross his path. I didn't want to go but my mother made me. The last time I saw him, he told me that I would never make it anywhere in life because I was a stuck up brat. I will never forget that,

My mother committed suicide on December 30, 2010. She was thoughtful enough to do it while I was at a friend's house but forgot that I would come home at some point and find her. She had put my father's gun to her head and blown her brains out. I wasn't the least bit surprised by her death. I figured that if she didn't do it sooner or later, then my father would have. He was an abusive man and beat my mother on a regular basis. He used to beat me too until I finally grew some balls and started fighting back. Years of wrestling and working out had paid off apparently. He knows better than to lay a finger on me now. I tried to use this to my mother's advantage to, but I gave up when I found out that she had been cheating on him with several different men for about 5 years. That was one of the biggest wrongs you could do to a man in my opinion. From then on, I only stepped in when the fight became unfair. Personally, I think that she killed herself because she couldn't live with herself and her disgusting life anymore. I wouldn't be able to either. Its appauling.

My best friend, Colton, was killed in a car crash on June 25, 2011. He was on his way to some chick's house and looked down for a second to read a text from her. He swerved and ran into oncoming traffic. He was flowing out of the car, through the window, no seatbelt, smart one he is. He was dead before the EMT's even had a chance to get to him.

Fate came after and killed 3 of the closest people to me. Now, it was my turn.

I have, only by some miracle, escaped death 3 times already. I should be dead. Now I, Carson Jones, must figure out how to stop this or die trying.

Fate's first aim at me was on June 28, 2011. Just 3 days after Colton's death. I had ridden the train up from Jersey into New York City to talk to my cousin Johnny to get some information about our family history. The sidewalks were bustling with rushing people because it was early in the morning, just before work would start. The streets were filled with traffic because, well, it's New York City. What do you expect? I was standing on the curb, across the street from Johnny's apartment building, waiting for a chance to cross over when a passerby accidentally ran into me and pushed my into the busy street. A bus slammed on it's breaks and came less than 2 inches from my face. I had started falling forward and was flailing my arms like a bird, you know how you do when you're standing on a ledge or something. I fell backwards onto the street, next to the sidewalk. As I sat there trying to wrap my mind around what had just happened, an idiot cab driver started to try to park where I was laying. I don't know if he didn't see me or was in a hurry and didn't care or what, but all I knew was that I had to move and quick. I rolled to my right, pushing as close as I could to the lip of the curb, not able to push up and on top of it. Thankfully, his parking skills weren't that great and I was not crushed by his wheels. My jacket was the only thing caught under the tires but I figured that it was a small price to pay for my life. The cabbie ended up yelling at me for not paying attention. What nerve.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2012 ⏰

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