Riot on set

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I was sound asleep. Dreaming of being at home, in my own bed. But i got ripped out of my dream by an air horn. 

I jumped, still feeling Duncan's arms around my shoulders. Chris stood in between the trailers smiling with his mega phone.

"All crew on set!" He yelled. "Call time is four am!"

I ground. "Come on Duncan." i say as he pulled his arm from around me.

"I would like to hit him with that thing." he grumbled as he stood up. He held a hand out for me which i took. He pulled me up to my feet and we walked over to everyone else who were coming out of the trailers.

"Your on a film set now." Chris started once we all got into a line. "And your going to learn that showbiz is not all red carpets and pool parties. Today you are going to be schooled on how top on step production life can be."

"Whatever." Gwen mumbled next to me. "I can deal, i once had a summer job at the petting zoo, its so adorable, everyone feeding the adorable goats they're adorable cabbages. But somebody, i.e me, had to shovel up the less adorable end of the digestive system."

"Gwen you say adorable one more time, im going to throw up." i smirk at her causing her to smile.

"Well speaking of number two." Chris smiled.

"Ew." i say making him give me a smirk of his own.

"Its time to pick your team mates, and then try to stick it to the team your boyfriend chooses." He told Gwen holding back a laugh.

Trent walked up next to Gwen. "We're not going to get all competitive and nasty are we?" He asked her.

"Absolutely not. We learned from last season right?"

"The only thing i learned from last season is how much i can hate." i mumble as Heather walked past me.

"Okay lets get this blood bath started. You going to choose school yard style. Boy girl boy girl. Ladies first, since we dont have ad ladies here-"

"Watch it Chris." im starting to hate him more.

"Gwen." He pointed at Gwen to start.

"Oh i dont know . . . Duncan?" She say's with a look of uncertainties.

Duncan placed his hand on my shoulder before he walked over to Gwen, who high fived each other.

"I choose Lindsey." Trent say's causing Lindsey to scream.

"Luna." Gwen called out making me smile. Thank god im on the same team as them. Dont get me wrong i like Trent, and he's a real cool dude. But y'know . . .Duncan. Anyway, i walked over and Gwen smiled at me.

"Thanks Gwen." i say going over to Duncan's side.

"What are friends for?" she say's waiting for Trent to pick his next team mate. Thankfully he picked Justin. When Justin walked over to his new team he looked right at me. When i looked over his way, we smiled and winked. Ew.

I shuttered feeling a cold chill going down my spin. I wrapped my arms around Duncan's arm. "You alright Lu?" he asked looking down at me. When i didnt say anything he fallowed my gaze to Justin. When Justin saw Duncan looking his way, he smirked and crossed his arms. I saw Duncan ball up his fist's but he had a smirk of his own.

After a few moments the teams were made. On Gwen's team was Duncan, Dj, Harold, Lashawna, myself, and i dont know what possessed her but she picked Heather as well. Chris called up the screaming Gaffers. On Trent team was, Justin, Owen, Beth Lindsey, and Izzy. They were called the Killer Grips.

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