Ocean 8 . . . or 9

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The next morning, i felt really stiff. Which was weird since i had been sleeping on the ground out side with Duncan the last few nights a never gotten stiff. I start sleeping in a bed again my body doesnt like it. I didnt sleep out side cause off the fight that we had.

I was the last one to get up and the last one to get to the crafting tent. When i walked in the two teams sat at their tables eating, what looked like, a normal breakfast.

"Lun!" I turn to see Duncan waving over at me. He had his knife out carving something into the table.

I smile at him, seeing him smirking over at me, just makes me forget the whole fight we had.

"Hey Luna." Justin walks up next to me. He looks over at Duncan then back at me. "So, you and Duncan?"

I let a small chuckle come out. "Yeah . . ." I looked up at him to see his expression, which i couldnt read.

He looked at me for another moment before he gave me a small sad smile. "You seem much happier." That made me smile up at him. "Your pretty when you're happy." I squinted my eyes at him. "I mean as a friend!" he held up his hands in surrender.

"Thanks Justin." i smile at him patting his shoulder. "Ill see you later, kay?" He nods at me as i walk over to my table. I could feel his eyes on me but i could also feel Duncan's just as much. "Hey."

"What was that about?" Duncan asked as i sit down next to him.

"Nothing." i tell him taking his bacon. "Just talking."

"I dont like you talking to that guy."

I took a bite of the bacon. "He just wants to be friends Duncan." He gave me a side glance. "Dont you trust me?"

He grabbed my inner thigh. "You know i do."

"Then relax." i smile at him. He pulled my leg closer to him so that it rested over his.

"What?" He says looking at Heather on his other side, stopping him from carving into the table anymore.

"Vandal." She then looked over at Harold. "Nerd."

"Ugly wench." i say leaning over the table to look at her as Harold stuck his tongue at her.

"We all have to stop acting like babies, or everyone of us is going home." Lashawna says looking at everyone.

"Come on you guys. What Lashawna did was for the best." Heather started. "No body needs a spa as bad as she does, in fact you can write a tall tale about he hair call-"

"Heather shut up." i tell her.

"What is sounds like a interesting read." Harold says crossing his arms.

"Im going back to the trailer." Lashawna stands up and walks off.

"Dont let the door hit you on the way out." Duncan say's. I slapped his arm. "Look babe it might not have upset you, but it upset the rest of us pretty bad.

"Door?" Heather turned to Duncan. "Its a tent you idiot."

"Its a figure of speech genius."

"Hey Heather how about you zip it." i say now standing up.

"Why dont you make me?"

"Pleasure." i tried to walk around Duncan but he held his arm up grabbing me around my waist, stoping me. And good thing he did cause Owen flew past me back into the kitchen.

"Chill out babe."

"You are such a tool." Heather says.

"Well let me show you how hard a tool can hit." I pushed against Duncan's arm, But he kept a tight grip on me. He stood up and stepped into my path so i couldnt see Heather anymore.

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