The Sand Witch Project

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The next day was nice and sunny. Everyone was outside. Only problem was that alot of us didnt have much to do. Dj was sleeping on the ground, Heather was laying in one of the chairs, Lashawna, Harold, Owen and Izzy were playing cards. I was laying on one of the benches letting the sun worm me. Even Justin and Duncan were kicking a ball to each other. It was nice and quiet. No one was fighting over anything and just fighting in general.

Till Beth pulled me away from almost falling asleep with her trying to show off some move of hers. She was going to eat all the sandwich till own ran over and grabbed them, passing them out to everyone else.

"Owen stop stealing my sammies!" She yells.

"What are you talking about?" He says chewing on his food.

"You discus me Owen." Lawshawna doing the same.

"Yeah what kind of pig are you?" Heather still had the sandwich in her hand.

"Your all stealing them?" Beths says mad to see everyone eating.

"Chefs food has gotten so good." Justin says

It was quiet for a moment till a shadow came over me. I opened one eye to see Duncan Smiling down at me. I smile back at him, and with out warning he climbed on top of me laying his head down on my chest. I slowly start to rub his back and closed my eyes again. He was so much more warmer then the sun.

"This is fun huh bestie? Image if there was no challenge today."

"Thats would be nice." i mumble.

"Mmhmm." Duncan hummed.

"Girl tell me about it." Lawshawns says to me.

"Oh my god then we could totally hang out. We could braid each others hair, oh i would love that bestie."

"Some of us are trying to keep up our straight to actually win this competition." Heather says walking up to the two 'besties'.

"We dont think there is one today." Lindsey says.

"There better be. Im here to win a million dollars and the fast i eliminate you two pathetic spineless followers the better."

I sighed. "That would be nice too."

Duncan chuckled. I rubbed his back some more, till the devil's voice came to be. "Attention all Total Drama victims. Please meet me in the north-east corner of the studio palusa."

"Ill give him one thing. His timing is on point." I say as Duncan lift off me. We all walk to where he asked us to go and waited. And waited. No Chris.

"We walked all the way here, and caption slick couldnt bother to show up." Heather complained.

"Maybe he got to much overtime, figuring out new ways to torture us." Justin says leaning again a light.

Out of no where a scream an be heard from above, and once we looked up Chis was falling. I looked away to hear a gross slashing noise and everyone screaming. Looking back Chris had laded on the light that Justin was leaning against and was impaled. Blood was everywhere, but when i looked at it something was off. The light was only covered in blood where Chris was.

"Gauss the producers dont like paying over time." Justin says pointing to Chris's body.

"Im worth every dime." Chris say's leaning up from 'playing' dead.

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