Reunion part 1

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"Im sure the dress is going to be fine Bridge." I tell her looking at the price of another dress. Bridget, my closest friend other then Duncan, Was trying on another dress for the fourth time.

"They all make me look fat." She calls back before opening the door.

I looked over at her an smiled. She was wearing a vary colorful dress that had all different color flowers on it, trying to hid her belly. "You're not fat, your pregnant." She was now hitting 8 months pregnant tomorrow, a little boy at that. "But i think you trying to hide how big you're belly is, is making you pick really . . ." i thought about my wording. "Dramatic outfits?"

She turned to the mirror and sighed, she then crossed her arms at me an gave me a side glance. "What would you do?"

I smile an hold up the dress i was looking at. "I was really hoping you would ask."

I waited outside the changing room looking at a few other dresses. "Arn't you getting a dress?" She called out.

"Im not sure." i say shrugging. "You know im not really the dress type."

"Well, whats Duncan going to wear?"

"Black pants an a black button up." I laughed. "You should have seen his face when he saw what the dress code for this, stupid reunion thing."

"Geoff was excited. I am to. We get to see everyone again."

"Thats true." I shrugged again.

She opened the door an i smiled. The dress fit her perfectly. It was a really soft blue dress an it hug all her curves an around her belly. "That looks cute."

She stepped in front of the mirror and turned around in it. "I love it." She smiled. Once she took off the dress, we walked around the store for a while longer, but nothing really stuck out to me. "We got to find you something too, Lu." She say's looking at a bright green dress. "Maybe something to match Duncan's hair." She smiled over at me.

"Ha ha." i say sarcastically, slapping the dress out of her hand. "Your so funny."

She laughed as one of the ladies that worked there came up to us. "Are you guy's finding everything okay?"

"Yeah than-"

"We are trying to find her a dress." Bridge cut me off with a smile. "She needs a dress today."

The girl gasped. "You're Bridgett!" She made a squealing noise. "Im a huge fan of Total Drama!"

Behind her i could see an older woman look over at her employee. She then quickly started to walk over to us.

The girl then gasped again. "You're Luna!"

"Maria!" An older woman came up crossing her arms. "What have i told you about bothering the customers!" She then looked at us apologetically. "Im so sorry ladies."

"Im sorry." The girl looked down at her feet, like sh'es gotten yelled at a few time already.

"She wasn't bothering us." Bridgett say's trying to smile at the girl.

"I asked her to help me pick something out." I say forcing a smile. I didnt want the girl to get yelled at, or in trouble. I also am not sure if i even want a dress. "Is it alright if we borrow her?"

"Oh." The lady looked shocked. "Sure."

The woman slowly walked away and the girl looked up at us like she didnt understand what happened. "Thank you." She gave a little smile. "I didnt mean to, you know, freak out." She took a shaky breath before showing a wide smile. "Im just such a huge fan." She then straighten up with her hands to her sides. She cleared her throat. "An now i am at your service. You need something for the reunion right?"

"Yes." Bridge smiled.

"Im not sure what i want yet." I say looking at Bridge mostly. "Im not really a-"

"Dress person i know." She said slyly. "I mean, really i didnt know that?" Her face turned red.

I smile at her. "What do you have in mind then?"

She looked around the store. It was a high clothing store . From Suits that you would wear to an interview, dress that you could wear out to a bar, or something to have for church. "I think i might have something for you in mind." She smiled, she looked like she was about to pee her self she was excited.

She took me to a mannequin that had the outfit that she thought would look good for me. "Wow." I Said looking at it. Not just for the look of the dress, but of how much skin that would show.

"That looks perfect Luna!" Bridge smiled.

"I dont know . . ."

"This is the only one we have." The girl smile didnt even falter. "It was just meant for a demo showing. But im sure my manager wouldn't be against selling it."

"It's probably not even my size." i try to say, wishing i picked another dress from before.

"It is." She giggled.

I slowly looked over at her. "You know my size?"

It seemed like she had just realized what she said, an she forces a shy smile. "I did say i was a big fan. . . Hehe."

"Lu, that would be perfect for you." Bridge pulled at her purse. "We'll take it."

"Really!?" The girl was full of excitement again.

"Hold on-"

"Ill go talk to my manager!" The girl ran off.

"Bridget this is to much." i tell here looking at the tag. "I dont know if i can wear this."

"I think it'll be great. Think of this as a early birthday present." She smirked at me.

"You cant-"

"Can you just ware the damn dress." She turns an starts walking over to the counter. "Its already decided."

I sighed an looked at the dress. "God damn it."

Hello its been a while, but i have been wanting to ask something. I have been writing a story about Duncan an Luna. I was wondering if i should maybe post it. So i wanted to see what others thought first. Please leave a comment about your thoughts i would love to hear everyone's thoughts an opinions. Thank you! <3

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