Beach Blanket Bogus

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The next morning was like the rest. We all got up, got dressed, fought for the shower, then meet up to eat. When i walked in most of the others were already sitting down eating.

"Good morning Luna." I growned.

"Justin." i say crossing my arms as he came up and blocked my view.

"I saved you some . . . slop." He looked down at the plate that sat next to his. "I was hoping we could eat together."

"No thanks. Im not hungry." I tried to walk past him but was stopped by his arm grabbing mine.

"Im not asking for a date. I would really like us to be friends." He smiled down at me. "Really."

I looked at him, trying to read his face. He just kept smiling at me. "I got to find Duncan." is all i could say. He dropped his hand from my arm letting me walk by. I sat next to Duncan and across from Gwen.

"You missed Trent freaking out over odd numbers." He told me with a grin.

"Did you cause it?" I asked placing my arms on the table.

"I loosened the salt and pepper caps." He laughed.

"Why is that so funny?"

"Cause he threw some into Heather's face." Gwen told me eyeing Duncan.

I started to smile to. "How is it i miss all the fun?"

Someone the blew a whistle. "Hold onto your coconut's players we're going back to the beach." Chris tells us coming in with a surf board. "Ever see one of those 1950 surfer movies where the kids have some neto-fun before the big bonfire twist-athon? And the bully kicks the sand castle in the nerdy guys face?"

No one said anything. "No grampa, we havent." Duncan says crossing his arms at him.

"Well get ready to recreate one junior. Two challenges fallowed by a tie beaker if needed. So grab your swim suits." Chris waved for everyone to fallow. We all stood up and walked back to the trailer. I leaned up and gave Duncan a kiss about to walk into the trailer, but he grabbed a hold of me instead, pulling me back.

"Duncan come on." I laughed trying to push of his chest. He leaned down and kissed me again before letting me go. I went into the trailer and changed into a two piece. It was a black two piece with white rings holding it together on the side. I walked out with Gwen.

"So whats going on with Justin?" she asked as we walked to where the first challenge was being held.

"Im not sure." I say putting my long black hair into a messy bun. "He tried to say he just wants to be friends not to long ago."

"Maybe he does. Maybe he see's how much you and Duncan really like each other."

"I dont know."

We walk into a studio being hit with cold air from the door way. Walking further in, it only got colder.

"When did you guys move the beach to Antarctica?" Lindsey asked, sun screen in hand.

"As some of you can see, we're actually in the shooting studio." Chris informs her. I walked up to Duncan and wrap my arms around him tightly, him doing the same. He was shaking just as bad as i was.

"And the AC is cranked because?" Duncan asked shivering.

"Because all the camera's and lights get so hot, they cant melt Chefs heart." Chris jokes and Chef waves at us with a murder smile. "And the network told my agent sweating wasnt a good look for me. First challenge, hang ten off this deck into the big blue with out swallowing tail in the soup." Chris points to a board that was over a pool.

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