Crouching Luna, Hidden Owen

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In the trailer i sat on my bed reading one of the book i had brought. I packed more books then anything, an im glad i did. 

"I cant believe how exhausting the rock an role challenge was." Beth says walking into the trailer. Everyone was pretty sore and everyone was ready to sleep.

"I cant believe Lindsey voted herself off." i say little a little chuckle.

"Yeah, even though im her friend i have to say she really out did her self." Beth says walking over to the sink. She takes out her retainer and wash's it off. "Well Brady and I are going to bed." She holds up a picture of her 'boyfriend' as she walked over to her bed. "You sleeping outside with Duncan again?"

"Most likely. You'll have the whole place to yourself." I tell her looking over my book. She layed in her bed and looked over at me. "What?"

"Do you not like me?" She asked throwing me.

"Why would you ask that?"

"Cause you act like you dont like anyone other then Duncan."

"Well he is my boyfriend Beth." i laugh.

"Yeah but even when Bridget and Gwen were here you still talk to them."

I shrugged. "Beth its not that i dont like you. I just rather stay in my small bubble of friends. I think your a nice girl. Really." I closed my book. "And im happy that your the last girl here with me."

"Thanks Luna." She smiles at me.

"Cause if i was left here with Heather i would kill myself."

We laughed as i got out of my bed. I waved bye to her as i walked out of the trailer. I went to the little bed that Duncan made. Looking around making sure no one else is around, i changed into one of Duncan's large shirts and laid on the bed waiting for him. I rolled onto my belly and opened up my book again reading from where i left off. About two chapter later, Duncan's arms fall on either side of me. He laid his body against my back, and he started to kiss my shoulder. I close my book and turned my head slightly to him.

"Hi." i smile at him. He smiled back at me and rolled over so he was now laying on his side next to me. He leaned over a kissed me. "You did good today."

He smirked. "Says the one that won."

I chuckled. "I was coping you really." I felt his hand rubbing my lower back. He looked at me, his eyes looking over my face.

"Whats wrong?"

"You look pale." He say's moving a strand of hair away from my face.

"Im always pale." i tell him.

"More pale."

"Well i didnt get the shit scared out of me today." i rested my chin on my hands. "Thought i was going to lose you."

He smirked at me. "You couldnt lose me even if you tried."

I giggled and leaned over and kiss him again, and again, and again.

I was in a deep sleep, in the wormth of Duncan's arms. But i was ripped from that when a loud thundering ring wakes us up.
"What?" Beth asked. Looking around everyone was brought outside. And we were not in the same place. The sets were gone and the trailers were no where to be seen.

"Holy pizza pockets where are we?!" Owen yelled out.

Duncan sat up and started to smell the air. "aw man we are back at camp Wawanakwa."

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