The Big Day

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I laughed with everyone as Gwen finished her story. It was a late Thursday night, and this would be day six since the girls have been here. It has been so much fun hanging out with them again, but my mind kept going back to the same person i'm missing the most.

"How are you feeling?" Bridget asked me before grabbing a bag of chips.

"To be honest im a little relieve that its almost over." i tell them with a smile. It had been a long ten months.

"No one said planning a wedding would be easy." Lashawna said looking at her nails. Yesterday the girl planned a pamper day. They planned the whole week, trying to keep my mind off Duncan.

I sighed. "Cant believe i havent seen, nor talk to him for a whole week." i grabbed one of the soda's and opened it. "Feel's odd his not home for that long."

"Well you only have to get threw tonight." Gwen said laying out on the blanket that i had laid out day's ago.

Bridgat and the others said it would be good for Duncan i I if we didn't see or talk to each other the last week before we get married. Something about making the moment better, what ever that means. It drove me crazy. But the girls had helped me threw the wekk, and i was happy to have been able to spend some time with them. With Med school, and planning the wedding i haven't been able to hang out with them for some time.

Bridget had been a big help. When i wasn't around she would be the one to handle some of the planning. Duncan help as much as he can, but some of his idea's weren't, well not for a wedding.


"I think we should go to sleep." Lashawna yawns.

Bridget looked at her watch and nodded. "Yeah, we got to get up early to make sure we will have enough time to help you with your hair. And make up." She started to shoo me away. "Off to bed with you now."

I laughed and stood, stretching my arms and legs. "Alright, alright." I waved at them as we all said our good nights. I closed the room to my room and looked around. Most of Duncan's stuff was in here. I walked over to the dresser where mine and Duncan's small items sat. I notice day's ago that he had taken some of his body spray's. Even taken his best one. The one that i liked the most, and he had to take it away. I didnt notice till that night that he sprayed his pillow down with said spray.

So after brushing out my hair i laid down onto the bed and hugged onto his pillow. Taking in the familiar scent helped me relax. I was able to fall asleep but not with out feeling my heart race slightly.

Tomorrow I will be married to Duncan. I will be his wife, and he will be my Husband.

(Le Wedding day, before the walk)

I looked in the mirror, after Bridget helped me with the wedding dress. It was hard to tell that it was me looking back. My hair was pined up into a tight bun, only my one blue streak hung down. Gwen did great on my make up. My pale skin looked healthier and brighter. The dark eye liner bring out my eyes. The thing that got me the most, was the dress bright white dress.

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