The AfterMath: Who wants to be a Millionaire!

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I woke up the next morning feeling, so much netter. I still had a bit of a cough, and i had a few pills i had to take for the next few days, but better then the day before. The hospital let me take a shower before letting me go. Walking out the hospital a black car was waiting for me.

"Luna?" the man stepped out the drivers side.


"Im here to take you back to the studio." He opened the back door for me to get in. The man was tall and lean. He wore black suit and black sunglasses.

"Thanks?" i slowly get into the car.The man got back into the drivers side and got back in. we drove in silent for the first ten minutes of the drive. "So? Whats your name?"

"Damon." He said not looking away from the road.

"How long have you been working for the show?" Normally i was okay with the silence, but today i felt a little jittery cause i was about to see Bridget.

"For a few months now." He didnt seem much on talking. "I have been told to stay by your side till the end of the show."
I tilted my head. "Why?"

"You have become vary big." He turned down a street. "Ever since Mr. McClain started selling your CD, your fan base has grown."

I face palmed. "God damn it Chris." I told him not to do that. But Chris doesnt listen to anyone if it makes him look good.
"I ask for you not to get out of the car till i open your door." Damon says pulling me out of my thoughts of how to hurt Chris.

"What?" I felt the car stop. "Why?"

He didnt say anything else, only open his door. I could hear a lot of talking when he opened his door. Once he close it i waited, then he opened my door. The bright sun lit the inside of the dark car making me have to squint.

"Its Luna!" I hear someone yell, but that was fallowed by a LOT of screaming.

Stepping out of the car I was standing on a clean'ish red carpet that lead to the AfterMath Studio doors. On either side was a metal fance, and behind that, was thousands of people. They were all calling out my name holding things out asking for me to sign what they had in hand.

I stepped behind Damon feeling overwhelmed. All these people, yelling all at once. Im the kind of person who likes to sit alone, not wanting any attention. This, this was way out of my comfort zone.

Damon had reached behind him, placing his hand on my back pushing me forword. But i didnt move. He looked down at me
"I-I cant." i shake my head. "Thats to meny people."

He leaned down to my ear. "I will not let them touch you ma'am. We have to get inside." He tried to push me forward again. I still didnt move.

He then wrapped his arm around me, pulling me to him. As he started to walk i was forced to walk with him. He didnt look anywhere but at the doors. As we walked the people started to scream louder, almost pushing the metal fence over. Damon kept his arm around me and pushed anyone's hands out of the way that tried to reach for me. Once we got inside the door closed behind us and it was much, much quieter.

"Are you alright ma'am?" Damon asked taking his arm off of me.

I nodded and looked up at him. "Thanks." He simply nodded at me. He motioned me to walk forward and after taking a breath i did. As i walked i could see people walking around doing their jobs. Moving lights making sure things worked before the show. I looked around hoping to see Bridget.

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