What Made Her Trust You? ♥

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♚Kamari Lamar Henderson ♚

Friday, July 21st, 2012- Trust

The hot summer wind swept across my face as I stood upon the steps. All the pretty girls were walking down the street, with their ugly friends. I spotted the brace face beauty that was my best friend, walking up the street by herself. She never really hangs with nobody, and I believe that's by choice. When she made her way over to me all I could do was smile. She had this expression on her face, that I've never seen before, and I don't know why it was like that. My lips turned into a frown as she poked out her bottom lip looking up at me. 

"What happened Jay?" I asked curiously while she turned and sat down on the steps. I dropped down next to her, propping my arms on my legs. 

"Eveyrthing is falling apart. So my mom is leaving right, and she wants to take me with her. It's my choice, but my dad is staying here. I love it here man... Cali is where it's at.. Plus, I can't leave you. No." I shook my head.

"Don't worry about me, Just do what you feel is right. Regardless of your decision I'll still be there for you, shit we got video chat. I'll fly down to where ever you move, if some fuck nigga try you." I got a giggle out of her.

"What will I do without you? You've been the only person I been friends with since middle school. I'm scared to make friends, because people be so damn shady and fake."

"Girl, I'm the shadiest person you're ever going to meet. You'll never meet anyone shadier than me." She smiled leaning her head on me. 

"Why did you start talkign to me in middle school? I was an ugly roach." I mushed her head and laughed. 

"You weren't ugly to me, you seemed really cool. Plus, you were a creep always following me around the school. I was like let me talk to this girl before she rape me." 

"Boy bye. It wouldn't have been rape because you would have liked it. Get out of here, but I love you Kamari. You've had a big impact on my life." 

"I love you too man. You've been the only girl I've ever trusted man. You didn't let me down yet." I smiled down at her.

Jayla Aaliyah Watson

Monday, September 12, 2012   

New school. New people. New environment. If I was still in Cali, it'd be still hot right now. Up here in Detroit. The weather is hella weird. One day it's hot,  next day it's cold, and then it'll start raining. Shit is awkward walking down the hallway of a new school. Everyone see a new face so they stare, and one thing I hate is being in the spotlight. Once fully into the classroom after I left my locker, sitting down all the way in the back I started getting comfortable. My phone rung, it was face time and it was Kamari. Since the teacher has yet to make his or her appearance I answered.

"How's the school so far!?" He asked me as soon as I answered.

"It's okay, you know new student and all. I miss you." I pouted. 

"Aw,  I miss you too. You know how hard it is to walk into school without you. I'm coming down there on winter break."

"That's a whole three months from now you do know that right."

"Yeah and? If I HAVE to come sooner, I'll be there."

"Four and a half hours by plane, and thirty five hours driving." The way he scrunched his face up, all I could do was laugh. "If you drive You're going to be fucked. "

"I need my car though, I might just have to get on the plane, and have the boys drive my car down."

"Stop planning stuff until You're coming please." I whined and he chuckled.

"Aight mami.  I'll talk to your little ass later. I got to catch up with Maurice." He kissed the screen with his big juicy lips, wiggled his eyebrows and hung up. The teacher finally came, she introduced me and went on with the class. I tried not opening my mouth because metal mouth. I sat there taking notes on that boring ass class.

After school I went home to finish unpacking. I couldn't talk to Mari because he had to go see his dad, Deandre, about money. When I was done fixing my room. I decided to go outside and try to be social. unfortunately no one was outside and I had no one to talk to.

"What's wrong baby?" I heard my mother say from behind me.

"Mom, I just miss him okay."

"Your father? I'll get you a plane ticket for this weekend if that's what you want." I shook my head bringing my knees to my chest.

"No, Kamari. Mom there isn't going to be any people out here that is like him. I'm scared to make friends."

"Mari said he would always be here for you baby." I nodded. I heard w .she said, but it still wasn't going to change how I felt.

The day quickly turned into night and I went to bed extra early. Since I had nothing else to do.

Dark night, and a hot but then again cool breeze. The guys and I were all outside the movie theater because we had gotten kicked out anyways. Maurice was talking loudly like always and Mari kept trying time flirt with girls who obviously didn't want him. I was just sitting there quietly and since we were all together I had to leave with them. 

'I have to get home, I'll hit you guys up tomorrow?" I went over hugging them.

"You want me to walk you home!?" Mari asked.

"Nah,  go have fun. I'll catch up with you tomorrow."

"Aight, Love you."

"Love you too big head." I turned around on my heels and went on my way. I was walking down the street, by myself at eleven at night. That isn't very smart, but I felt like I could hold my own. I seen a group of guys walking down the street. Since I had on Maurice hoodie,  I pulled the Hood over my head and tried walking past.

"Why you walking out here down this block, with your Hood up nigga? " I felt one of them grab my arm hard.

"Get off me please." I mumbled lowly and I heard them laugh.

"Ohh, it's a girl. Damn ma you got a fatty. I'm pretty sure you don't got a man, because if you did. he wouldn't have you walking down south street alone." The tallest one said.

"I Uh, -" I was cut by hearing a gun cock behind me. I was scared so I closed my eyes, and heard a gun shot. My arm fell to my side and I seem the guy on the ground.
"You thought." I heard Mari mumble. I turned to him, and I looked at him.

"Mari he is dead! He's dead!!" I Yelled and he grabbed my hand pulling me down to the car Maurice was driving. We got inside. I was shaking because I didn't know what to do, he turned by face to him.

"Trust me. I got you as long as You're my best friend..."

That's how he gained my trust.

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