End Him ♥

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♚Kamari Lamar Henderson ♚ 

My mom, the dance team, Sebastian, Camila, Sophia, Jose, and Diego all are acting like they're having the child by Jay. Everyone has been over here so much, I understand Jayla is pregnant and everyone is excited, but she's also seven months. She gets drained out easily and she eats a whole lot, she's not only eating for her and another child. She's eating for herself, a boy, and a girl, my babies gone come out chunky. 

I walked upstairs to the room where she was sleeping at and peeked inside. Tayvion and Jayden were knocked out right next to her, they all looked really peaceful. Hayden is searching for a little house down here so he can see his sister more, and their dad is coming down here for the birth of the babies. I don't think Jayla is going to like that too much, she hasn't talked to him in about four years, Hayden hasn't talked to his dad since he was nineteen. He's two years older than Jay so it's been a long time. I just want to make sure he feels welcome around us, I don't want no drama, I want my kids to at least know one of their grandparents. I might take them to the jail to see my dad when they come home from the hospital, I'm not exactly too sure about what I'm going to do just yet. I do want them to know  who they pop pop is, but then again if he gone feed them lies like he did to me, do I really want them to meet his conniving lying ass?

Last time I talked to him personally was five years ago when I had that same number. Sebastian keeps telling me I need to answer his phone when he calls him or go to Cali to see him. I don't know if I'm ready for that mentally and emotionally. That's my pops I looked up to him my whole life and to find out he made my moms says that shit, and he went back to Puerto Rico to have two more kids without telling me.. It hurts to know your best friend would go behind your back and do some shit like that. I thought my mom was a dead beat because that's how she was but that's a lie, she wasn't a dead beat, she would have been a great mother. She's been making it up to me every time she sees me, and I explain to her I love her and always have, she doesn't have to make up shit... I want to make sure my mother has the world plus more. She wants me to love her like a son suppose to and I do.. like she's been there my whole life. 

"You need to just understand staying away is helping nothing. I know daddy did some horrible shit, but you need to see him." He loaded his gun and stuffed it in the side of his cargo pants. "Before the twins are born." 

"I don't know man, I haven't seen him in years or talked to him. What would I even say?" I loaded both my guns sticking them in the sides of my black cargo pants leaning up against the wall. I lifted the blunt from the ashtray and he shrugged. 

"Say what you think is needed to be said. You get an hour so you can use that hour to get out all you need to, start with important shit. Your fatha has connections he can get you extra time to talk to him." 

"I'll think about talking to him okay, can we just go see mommy before we go to this damn place." I took one last puff from the blunt before throwing it into the ashtray. He nodded walking out the door and I followed right behind him.

Before we could leave the house we were stopped by Hayden. He shook his head at us leaning up against the door frame. I sighed knowing exactly what he was about to say. 

"You two need to think about what you're about to do. Marquise isn't able to kill anyone, only reason he killed Maurice is because he boxed him in. He's manipulative and knows how to get into peoples heads. " Hayden told us shaming his head.

"He can harm Jayla and me man. I want to take no chances. He is crazy." Hayden chuckled.

"He crazy but not worth it. I knew this nigga since kid years. He killed my fucking uncle. I got him, y'all two got better things to worry about real shit."  He explained. "Give me the guns." 

"Man I wanted to use the gun I never get too."  Bas complained taking the gun out putting it into his hand. I hesitated putting my hands in my pocket "Think right... and do it."  I dropped both my guns onto the table and going outside the door.

♛Jayla Aaliyah Watson♛

"I miss dancing man, watching my class and not teaching it is weird." I complained leaning back against the chair.

"Oh shut up, once you have them kids you'll be right back to dancing."  My friend Kira told me after telling the girls to take a break. My phone vibrated...  I pulled it out seeing a text from bae.

Hubby: "I'll be there in a couple minutes with a couple of the girls, and Jayden."

Lil Jay ❤❤: "Hurry up ugly. "

"Texting your bae huh?  Y'all two so damn cute I swear." Kira sat next to me.

"Thank you, he irking though, we stay arguing about something."

"That is so normal. Jamie and I got into arguments throughout both my pregnancies.  He left for two weeks girl " I started laughing putting my hand on my stomach.

"Kamari forces me to shut the fuck up. He so mean to me sometimes.but I do love my baby." I smiled to myself rubbing my tummy.

"You're such a sap girl. I would say you in that puppy love but you a grown ass woman." I waved her off looking down to the floor.

I love my baby so much no one knows my story about life. I've been through so much with him it's ridiculous. I couldn't leave him alone if I wanted too because he's so damn tempting. I lost a friend in the process of meeting him, but I'm glad he came back to me after that shit blew over. Thought I was going to be miserable for the rest of my life...

This chapter wasn't the best: / but Comment and Vote. I've decided I'm eating this book in two chapters, I'll do a Epilogue, but no sequel.

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