If You're Happy and You Know It

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"Go Rafe! Run! You can do it!" I shouted from the stands. Any of our friends who were not on the team were around me, hollering their own encouragement using my knowledge of who the heck they were shouting at. I didn't need to read their jerseys. Gilles was eating a hotdog with another waiting in the other hand for me to eat when I was done shouting at the field like a good boyfriend.

I panted and sat back, motioning for my dinner and sighing when a cheer went up. That's my boys, being awesome again. If they win this game, then they would be regional champs. The after party was going to happen whether they won or not, after all it was pretty impressive that they got this far in the first place. I took a big bite and watched the teams line up again at the half mark. Our team was giving each other high fives on the way.

I wouldn't say I was head over heels for watching sports, but I really enjoyed cheering my boys on. I had gotten used to going to all their games now. I would sit with their friends in the stands, and then my friends who like sports would join us. It became a group activity for all of us. I got to know many of them better and a few of our mutual friends hooked up over the months of hanging out together.

The naysayers for our relationship were set back on their heels now. It had been months of bliss between the three of us. There were no real blowouts, no fits of jealousy between the brothers, no abject doubts on my part and the relationship continued. It was more along the lines of... I tried not to overthink things and none of us played favourites. It was a disappointment to everyone who was hoping for drama, but perfect for us.

So, when the game finished with us three points ahead, I headed down to the turf and was sandwiched in glee by two muscular, sweaty men who squeezed the crap out of me in front of the whole crowd without hesitation. I couldn't breathe, but I didn't care. I was happy. So very happy with my twins. I just hoped they were just as happy as I was. I would do anything to make sure they were.

The whole school was celebrating. The crowd was making its way to the car park, cheering on our boys still as they got into cars and headed to the party. I was told to wait for them out front and our friends slowly trickled away until it was just their buddy Matt and I waiting. He was a big fan of Skyrim and we swapped tips back and forth regarding the quests we had finished already.

My boyfriends came out of the changing rooms looking freshly showered and super hot. Matt said he was off, but I barely heard him. I was too busy staring at the twins and eating them up in my head. I could almost feel every orgasm they had given me and my thighs tingled with the memory of them f*cking between them. We hadn't actually had full butt sex yet, but I planned to change that in the most cliche way possible.

Yep, I planned to lose my v-card at the after party. Preferably with both of them, if I could handle it. No not at once, that was just crazy! I thought I could do it twice in one night though, virgin or not. I had been practicing with a dildo I ordered from online. They had discrete packaging options so I didn't die from embarrassment when it was delivered. I think I told my dad it was a new video game. I guess it technically was since I ordered a gay sex dvd to prepare myself on what to expect. Yeah, I took notes like the perverted geek that I was.

It looked a lot like what we already did, just with cleaning out and stretching the backside for intimate use. I already cleaned back there in hopes that my night actually went as planned. I was pretty hard about it, had been on and off all night. It was making my stomach hurt. I knew they felt my excitement by the smirks on their faces after they kissed me. I got into their RAV and buckled up, trying not to wince.

The ride over to the party was relaxed, the boys were in good spirits and the radio played an upbeat tune. I was actually looking forward to going to this thing, unlike other parties that I had been dragged to in the past. This one was going to be better because I had two special someones to enjoy it with. So, when we arrived I bounced a little in my own happiness.

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